Wednesday 20 January 2021

A Quick Note To My Brilliant-Young-Protégé Lansana Kamara - A Gifted Young Liberian Destined For Greatness As A Rapper And Dancehall-Artiste

Greetings,  Lansana. And how is my favourite grandson, amongst the lovely children of my hardworking daughter, Tenneh, today?

This is just Just a quick note,  to let you  know that as an influencer, I use the wall of my Facebook page, to lift up deserving people, in the main. So it is shared-premium-online-space, to encourage the deserving,who need exposure - and it is free of charge. Simple.  

Furtheremore, as a matter of principle, your Grandpa Thompson,  never accepts gifts, oooo, Massa. Not wise  in my profession to do so, koraaaa, ooooo. 

So, although I am grateful to you,  for the Sunlight brand washing up liquid soap, I shall pay for it, the next time Ayesha comes there. I trust you are well? 

Continue staying safe, Lansana - and  peace and blessings to you, my dear brilliant-young-protégé. I have no doubt at all that you are destined for greatness as a rapper and dancehall artiste, ooooo,  Massa. Wu ye bue ankasa!

Sent from Samsung tablet.

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