Tuesday 31 May 2022

Food for thought for common-good app developers who care about empowering the less privileged in Ghanaian society

Ghana's community of common-good. app developers, could make a huge impact, by helping marginalised Ghanaians to bootstrap their way out of the brutish-hellish-trap of extreme poverty. Three examples of needs that if addressed by  common-good app developers, could immediately help alleviate poverty, nationwide, come readily to mind:

1) An app that makes available information about what is available, free of charge, for the financially-challenged, who use public healthcare facilities nationwide, is sorely needed - as at the moment it appears that poor people have to pay for virtually everything, in our NHIS.

2) An app that helps micro-entreprenuers, such as market women, to do ecommerce, to enable them earn more, would be marvellous.

I know a hardworking Liberian lady, for example, who sells fruits and vegetables, in Gomia Buduburam's Camp Liberia refugee settlement area, in Ghana's Central Region, who wants to sell bitter cola online, whose lifelife would be transformed, immediate, if she went online.  If a partnership between Ghana Post and common-good app developers was established for that purpose , that would be excellent.

Finally, Ghanaian agriculture would see a dramatic transformation, if an app that enables the boundaries of smallholder farms to be mapped, digitally, for very little cash, by participating surveyors, globally could be created. It would make a real difference for rural Africa in an era of extreme weather - and  is consequently a must for Ghana, and the rest of Africa.

From my own personal experience, I do know what a difference having mapped farms in rural Ghana, can have for our national economy's smallholder farming sector. In light of all the above, there is no question that common-good app developers, who care passionately, about empowering the less privileged, in Ghanaian society, could make a real difference to wealth creation in Ghana. No question. Cool.

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