Wednesday 6 July 2022

Should Ghana leverage the EU's Belt-and-Road initiative to expand and modernise its infrastructure?

The European Union (EU) is countering China's growing global influence, with its own Belt and Road programme, to help democracies survive and thrive, around the world - in turbulent times. It is very good news: a splendid  idea whose time has now come - as democracies face existential threats, worldwide, from fascists and  populist-totalitarian-elements. Cool.

The question is: What stops Ghana's hard-of-hearing ruling-elites, from engaging the EU, for it to repay SinoHydro, the US $2 billions it contracted to loan Ghana - after which the EU then gives our country a longish moratorium, to start paying it back, as an interest-free 30 year loan?

Will the world come to an end, if our leaders ask the EU to do so, and, in the proces, help save Ghanaian democracy from being destroyed - were the ticking social time bomb, to finally explode: if the suffering of the masses is allowed to continue, unchecked?

Let our leaders put that idea on the table, in their discussions with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) staff, who are  now in Ghana, to help extricate us from the unholy mess we are currently in, economically.

Our leaders must put their thinking-caps on, for once, and  be creative,  for a change. They ought to  leverage the EU's Belt-and-Road initiative to expand and modernise Ghana's infrastructure on generous terms. Simple.  Haaba.

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