Sunday 7 August 2022

A quick note to Kofi Boakye-Yiadom - on why there is no place like Ghana on the surface of the planet Earth

One gathers, from bush telegraph sources, that you are contemplating moving to  Rwanda to live.  Sure, it is a well-ordered society now. Question is: What happens when its widely-acclaimed leader's alloted timespan on this plane, finally ends (as it will for all humans presently alive)?

Yes, Ghana may be frustrating in the extreme. And, the nation-wrecking  greed of the big-thieves-in-high-places (who control both our biggest political parties by bankrolling them, and are forever  robbing Mother blind, in broad daylight), might be unequalled in the annals of human history - and, yes, it  has indeed messed up our system, for the rest of Ghanaian society,  unfortunately.  

But, this is nation in which those of us who fear no one, and speak our minds freely to the powers that be (regardless of what our leaders in governments of the day,  threaten us with),  know that if we are careful enough about our personal security, at day's end, we will not be murdered, oooo, favourite nephew.  Can't say that about many nations on the continent of Africa, ooooo.

And, as it happens,  don't  you live like the king-of-hedonism, that  your substantial earnings from your innovative green entrepreneurship, have turned  you into, without a care in the world? That's pretty cool, wai,  Massa.

Furthermore, who in this country, who is an environmental activist, isn't aware of your  penchant for playing as  hard as you work: boggying, partying, chilling endlessly,  and,  cycling across Ghana, winning road race after road race - with  all the  said activities strictly reserved for the hours after imbibing the daily dose of your legendary focused-hardwork, delivering adventure park experiences, for thousands? That is impactful impirical evidence proving that saving nature can be financially rewarding (and gives mental freedom paaaaapabi, to boot, too, wai). Cool.  

Massa, there is no place, quite like Ghana,  anywhere, on the surface of the  planet Earth oooo - despite its many frustrations, wai.  Yoooooo...

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