Monday 19 September 2022

A quick note to a very, very awkward genuis-inventor friend

Ohooo, wu paaaa. ahhhh, adjawajo. Sarjewah. Ebeiiii. Culture? Culture? Culture? Wow. Massa, please don't talk to me about the cognitive-straightjacket preventing a superstition-riddled continent from reaching its full potential, wai. Hmmm, eyeasem, oooo...

What, pray, dear friend, are mere words, when we are fast-friends trying hard  to get another very, very difficult friend (whose genius we all admire tremendously, and who  will soon  probably become the toast of humanity - for bringing limitless power at precisely the moment it is desperately needed by democracies facing economic meltdown), from being petty? Haaba.

Massa, do you not see the difficulties inflationary pressures are wreaking worldwide,  as a result of sky-rocketing values in the oil sector, resulting from evil Putin's blackmailing?

That  murderous-tyrannical-thief, is  ruining Russia, a great nation, which ought to be a free society and a force for good, by treating it as a personal fiefdom. Has that moron not weaponised gas and oil supplies to Europe,  anaaa? Get real.

And, has that not made your unique emission-free off-grid invention, a much welcomed  and  truly affordable holy-grail-solution,  for freeing the free world (and the rest of humanity) from the iron grip of today's world's  mad-cap-fascist-leaders, like Putin? Think, wai. Haaba.

You also speak about childhood upbringing. Hmmm, eyeasem, oooo: Genius, alas, in my case, as a result of my precociousness, my wide reading as a young  boy, led to my developing genuine compassion, for others in trouble  -  those who desperately need a friend in need, at their hour-of-need:  and thus learnt  never to hold anything against another human being. Simple.

Luckily, too, I am also blessed to have developed into a bad-tempered,  semi-literate fool, totally  devoid of ego (a very, very dangerous ruinious-evil), for whom nothing, not  even murder, cannot occassionally be forgiven, when all circumstances of particular individual cases, are taken into consideration. I thank God Almighty, every day, for that singular gift. Hmmm, eyeasem, oooo..

Massa, we are all mostly-sinful humans, who are just  prisoners of our individual experiences, such as they are,  oooo - not sodden Paragons, wai. So stop acting like some little-person, with a debilitating-giant-chip on his shoulders - when in reality,  you are most probably one of the greatest inventors that ever lived: though yet to be discoverd by humankind.

Finally, always do remember that for me, helping you bring your power sector holy-grail-invention to market - even without personally benefitting from it financially - and even putting my  own (personal and professional)  reputation on the line, in that quest,  in countless published articles, has been the driving-force-motivation for me. I will continue to speak plainly to you,  even at the risk of losing my friendship with you -  if that's the most effective way to get you to remember that you are a  great man and peerless-inventor without equal. Full stop. Case closed.

Finally, for your information,  cantankerous Kofi Thompson had been ruffling feathers of the  highest-and-mightiest of people, with his plan speaking, since childhood, wai.  Get it? So, let's do something more productive: do calculate the exact date Slippery Oil Patience was given the  three-month deadline, and when that deadline ends, wai, Massa. Cool.

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