Saturday 7 October 2023

Africa's younger generations must rid the continent of foreign domination

Dear critical-reader, the question to ponder over is: What is required to empower Africa's younger generations to free Mother Africa from foreign domination permanently  -  now, not tomorrow? Full stop.

That said, now that the Great-Awakening is underway,  as a prelude-requirement to ushering in the African Renaissance, the continent requires strong, suitably-aware, young passionate and strong-willed world-class leaders with cosmopolitan outlooks, to end foreign domination of the continent.

It is those new, no-nonsense younger generation leaders, who will bring a swift end, to the abominable and intolerable pillaging of our natural resources, by outsiders with hidden-agendas.

In that regard, as wise and aspirational beings, it is vital that Africa's younger generations take all the needed steps, to swiftly rid Mother Africa of all her older generations of  puppet leaderships.

Those puppet older generation of leaders,  are in power solely to serve the vital interests of foreign powers, as fifth-columnist-lackies,  because it enriches their family-favourites and their state-capture rent-seeking regime-crony-tycoon friends: who bankroll them endlessly, with never-ending-streams of 3tuomu 3y3 suum kickbacks, dear critical-reader. Enough is enough. Africa must free itself from foreign domination  forever - now, not tomorrow. Full stop. Haaba.

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