Monday 19 April 2021

A Quick Note To The Minister For Lands And Natural Resources

Honourable Minister, 

Galamsayers using excavators, are active in parts of the 14-square mile upland evergreen rainforest property of the late P. E. Thompson, at Akyem Juaso,  as we speak - working mostly at night. It is a defiant act that you must order an investigation into, immediately, using honest and dedicated public officials you personally trust.

The question is:  Who gave the galamsayers -  who are destroying our cocoa trees too -  access to what is a privately-owned freehold upland evergreen rainforest property, on the arboreal slopes, off the Atewa Forest Reserve? 

Furthermore,  how did gold concessions come to be carved out of what is a freehold private rainforest property, not Stool land, without recourse to us, the legitimate owners,  in the first place, Sir?

Honourable Minister, the land in question, was earmarked by my branch of the P. E. Thompson family tree, for a conservation-through-ecotourism initiative. The idea was to give the local community a sustainable green future. 

Yet, our freehold rainforest property, is now being destroyed by galamsayers, with total impunity, as a result of the actions and inactions of corrupt officials of the regulatory bodies  -  who capriciously handed over our private freehold property to private citizens, to destroy and profit from, without recourse to us the legitimate owners, whatsoever:  to the detriment of what is a designated Globally Significant Biodiversity Area (GSBA) in the Atewa Range.

Honourable Minister, nothing can justify this outrage. The dangerous mosquito-breeding  open  mining pit, left years ago by Hagnela Mining Company, and its assigns, must be filled and covered up immediately, and the land there reclaimed scientifically. 

Please make an example of all those involved in this ongoing defiant act of egregious-lawlessness, being perpetrated by greedy and ruthless  galamsayers, in part of the 14-square mile freehold upland evergreen rainforest property, of the late P. E. Thompson,  at the Akyem Juaso section of the Atewa Range, even as we speak. Thanks.  

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