Sunday 18 April 2021

We Must Say No To The Passage Of Laws To Control Media Content In Ghana

 If we want to become, and remain,  a free and innovative society, then we must stop politicians from trying to control media content in our homeland Ghana. It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  

Today's crop of politicians might all be saintly individuals - but who is to know that  tomorrow's politicians might not turn out to be ruthless and devilish tyrants: who will use control of media content as a key building-block to establish a tyranny in Ghana?

Wherever there is a free exchange of ideas, the best ideas always come to the fore,  and propel democratic societies forward. We must never allow freedom of expression to be limited in Ghana for that reason.

Rather than giving the illiberal folk in Ghana seeking to control and manipulate the media,  by giving them the power to control media content, we must always pass laws to deal with specific societal needs, whenever the need to do so arises, instead. 

For example,  if we want to deny today's sikaduro-quest's value chain, the oxygen of publicity,  and end that murderous-evil that way, then let us simply pass draconian laws making the entire sikaduro-quest's  value-chain, serious crimes, punishable with mandatory life sentences. 

That is always a far better approach, than passing laws to control media content to achieve such societal needs, in a corruption-riddled society such as ours -  in which powerful thieves-in-high-places have been the dominant force, in every administration, since the 1992 Constitution  was promulgated. 

At all costs, we need to stop politicians from controling media content in our country - as a truly free media is the most effective antidote to the  high-level corruption slowly destroying Ghanaian democracy: and eroding our moral fabric into the bargain on top. We must say no to the  passage of laws to control media content in Ghana.

Sent from Samsung tablet.

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