Tuesday 22 August 2023

A new era of national renewal and equity has arrived in Niger, Guinea, Mali and Burkina Faso

 Niger's new military rulers (and those ruling Guinea, Mali and Burkina Faso, the later two of which have offered support for Niger's new military rulers in the event they are invaded), could checkmate the democratically elected leaders of West Africa, who are threatening to invade Niger to restore the ousted president, by two simple but effective anti-corruption measures.

By simply:

1) Publicly publishing their personal assets, as well as that of their spouses, and demanding same of high-level civilian officials, and giving written undertakings, to the world, that they do so again, just before handing over power to newly elected civilian leaders.

2) Furthermore, they must decree that all public procurement will henceforth be carried out, based only on bids in open and competitive tendering, and that sole-sourced public procurement will be banned.

Finally, by taking those anti corruption measures, the above mentioned military rulers, will occupy the high moral ground, and literally force the whole world to see clearly that the era of egregious French kleptocratic-neocolonisation, dominated by powerful big-thieves-in-high-places, who were the local allies of perfidious France, which so impoverished ordinary people, in their repective nations, have truly ended, and that the dawn of a new era of national renewal and equity, has finally arrived, in Niger, Guinea, Mali and Burkina Faso. Case closed. Haaba.

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