Tuesday 1 August 2023

Food for thought: Airing secretly-recorded fare

On the subject of airing secret voice recordings, of the kind spread by evil-minded rumour-mongerers for their own dark-ends:

It is always vital that one always (when one lives in any neighbourhood),  endeavours  to understand the context within which conversations, such as quarrelsome-loud-arguments  (which are secretly recorded with glee, by nosey-parker-neighbours), take place.

A pathological-liar, for example, will loudly bandy about, falsehoods, which are defamatory and unjustifiable   accusatory-words - such as, "You are a Chief-liar!", for example: to publicly humiliate and disgrace  someone innocent,  who is honest and doesn't lie, just to spread mud, publicly, on a person of good character.  

The moral:  Neighbours who hear loud arguments of that nature, must always remember that pathological-liars have a tendency to use loudly-shouted falsehoods, as a weaponised-tool,  to destroy the reputations of  good people whom they fall out with.

It is the hallmark of the egregiously-ungrateful, alas. Such is life in Anansesemkrom. The airing of secretly-recorded fare is veritable food-for-thought: 3y3nsem piiiii, oooo, Ghanafuor.    Yoooooooo...

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