Sunday 25 May 2008


For an African, looking in, from the outside, on the American campaign season, as the race for the White House, amongst the two Democratic Party presidential hopefuls, draws to a close, the divisive issue of race, in America, which has been highlighted by the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama, illustrates perfectly for me, how the greatest nation on earth, has, sadly, short-changed itself, for so much of the period, of its history.

The United States is unquestionably the most powerful nation on the planet Earth, today. And the ordinary people of America, also have a well-deserved reputation, across the globe, for being the most generous people, in the world: in terms of the value of the amount of money, which they donate to philanthropic causes.

Clearly, the decency and generous-spiritedness, of the average American citizen, cannot be questioned. It is therefore a mystery to most Africans, that the colour of the skin of a man, whom, if elected as president, could change the image of the United States so dramatically (for the better, and across the entire globe: instantly, upon his election to office!), could be a negative factor, preventing, many of those very same decent and generous-spirited Americans, from casting their votes, for him.

Most Africans readily welcome whites who visit their communities openly and warmly - and for them, the colour of an individual's skin, is of no consequence: and does not matter to them, in the slightest. What matters to them (and should too, to all those decent-minded and generous-spirited white Americans), is the character of the individual concerned - and so it should be, in a logical world, dear reader, should it not?

Thus, for the discerning African, looking in, on America, from the outside, as it were, it does appear, unfortunately, that on the issue of race, logic, strangely, ceases to apply, in the greatest and most democratic nation, in the world - and in their view, America is infinitely the poorer, for it: as their racial prejudices, in this instance, casts an undeserving pale shadow, on freedom's firmament, in America: the land of the freest people on earth: and which all of humankind admires, for its innovative and enterprising spirit.

The whole business of racial prejudice in America, defies reason. For, as every little child in the United States knows, countless numbers of black female slaves, were regularly raped, by the white males, of slave-owning households, during the days of slavery.

And if empirical evidence of this bald fact of American life were needed, perhaps the decent-minded and generous-spirited Americans of today, ought to ponder the possible outcome, were DNA tests of every single American citizen, to be carried out, for that purpose.

For, there is no question, dear reader, that it will clearly emerge, that millions of white Americans, were blood-relations, who shared the same family trees, with millions of their African American co-citizens, with whom, they share a common ancestry, in family backgrounds.

And it might interest those self-same decent-minded and generous-spirited white Americans, that, if asked, today, the average person, on the streets, of major cities, in the Middle East; Pakistan; Indonesia; and many other Muslim nations, will jokingly acknowledge, that if the US sent ships, to convey people from their nation, to legally settle in America (and be provided with a job by the government, at state and federal levels), tens of thousands would die, in the stampede that would ensue - as countless numbers of eager Muslims, fought their way, unto those ships.

Does any American need any further proof, then, dear reader, that despite the widespread anti-American feelings amongst environmentalists in places like the EU; and despite the vile propaganda and horrific suicide bombings, of blasphemous and evil Muslims, such as Osama bin Laden (who, incidentally, would never be tolerated by the Prophet Mohamed, were he to be alive today; and is definitely not a good Muslim - but a sinner, and a blasphemer, of the worst sort, who is bound for the hottest part of hell, when he dies!), if America were to put its needless racism, aside, for once, and elect its first non-white president, it will help bring about a sea-change, in attitudes, towards the America, across the globe, and for the better?

Racism is a great draw back for such a great people, and their great nation - and it must disappear from America: and bring about the dawn of a new age, for all Americans!

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