Sunday 8 June 2008

"Osama Bin Laden: A Liar, Sinner And Blasphemer" - A Poem By Kofi Thompson

(Title: Osama bin Laden: liar; sinner; and blasphemer!)

Osama bin Laden
Coward extraordinaire
Unbeliever and hypocrite
Using Islam
To seek world domination for self
Giving Islam a thoroughly bad name
Death to the Osama bin Ladens of this world
Mass murderers
Killers of innocents
Prostituting the name of Islam
A religion of peace
Abominable creatures
Whom the Prophet Mohamed
Peace be upon him
Would have condemned were he to be alive today
Masquerading as pious Muhajedins
Cowards and blasphemers
Who do not understand
That true faith in Allah
Never seeks revenge for Allah
But leaves vengeance in the hands of the Almighty Allah himself
Abominable killers of innocents
Using myrmidons as suicide bombers
Osama bin Laden
Killer of innocents
Who together with his followers are going straight to the hottest part of hell
When they die
Not to paradise
Which is reserved only for true Muslims
Who always protect the weak
And are always just and never kill innocents
Be they infidels riding in New York subway trains
Or infidels traveling on London's red double-decker buses
Or infidels in Copenhagen drawing harmless cartoons
Which would never have offended
The ever-gentle and super-tolerant Prophet Mohamed
Peace be upon him
Which is why
All those responsible for those crimes against humanity
The abomination that was 9/11/2001
Will roast in the hottest part of hell forever when they die
Death to Osama bin Laden
And blasphemer!

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