Tuesday 6 November 2012

Those Conspiring To Hijack It: Hands Off Plot B90 La bone!

Since  my conscience will not allow me to remain  silent, in the face of  a blatant attempt to deprive an old  widow of 86,  of her property (plot No. B90, Labone),  I am firing off this if-the-cap-fits-wear-it-piece to warn those attempting this outrage.

I am doing so,  because the  recounting of her plight by  an elderly pensioner (aged 86) -  who seventeen years or so ago was made to sign a document that effectively deprived her of her own house at Labone for over a decade and a half, because of her kind-heartedness -  moved me to tears.

That shabby story, illustrates perfectly how so many Ghanaian professionals aren't guided by the ethics of their profession in their everyday  dealings with ordinary people.

How would one describe individuals   who choose to  repay an honest  woman  who gave out her own house to save their business -  without a pesewa being paid her in compensation for her extraordinary act of kindness - by yet again asking her to sign away the remainder of the government-granted 99-year lease for no compensation, when the property leased by her to save their business,  ought to have reverted to her two years ago: the lease having expired for that length of time?

That 86 year old pensioner, is now in an  agitated state and highly stressed - because she has been handed the most outrageous legal document covering the purchase of a leasehold, that  I have ever come across, to sign.

It appears that the period for the leasing of  her Labone property - which she was made to  sign years ago  without her being told the full implication  of what she was doing - has now  lapsed.

Yet, she is  being asked to sign away the rest of the remainder of the 99 year lease -  again without any financial compensation whatsoever.

Naturally, the brave old  lady refuses to sign away her property yet again, at what is the evening of her life. She is adamant that her signature will never be appended to that monstrous document.

So,  for now,  dear reader, I am asking  the people involved in this shabby story of unfathomable greed and unparalleled ruthlessness, to immediately cease what amounts to the mental torture of a helpless old lady of 86, and ensure that the noble lady gets her property at plot B90 Labone  back immediately.

Though I am loathe to do so, they must know that if need be,  I will not hesitate to ensure   that the whole world gets to know the identities of people who should be protecting of widows and orphans - but as we speak are rather  attempting  what effectively amounts to the defrauding of   an old widow:  in a  conspiracy  to  deprive  her of her property   situated at plot B90, Labone.

To each one of them,   I simply  say:  Hands off plot B90,  Labone!  A word to the wise...

Tel: 027 745 3109.

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