Monday, 31 December 2018

Regardless Of Which Region They Hail From, Ghanaians Must Always Put Their Nation First

There are many Ghanaians, who are of the view that although the democratic system of government isn't perfect, it is still the best form of government for the ordinary people of Ghana. For such Ghanaians,  despite evidence of electoral malpractice at some voting centres during the just-ended referendum, today's reality, is that an overwhelming number of residents of the proposed new regions actually want to see the creation of new regions become reality in 2019. Accepting that new reality is vital for our nation's long-term stability.

Speaking personally, for example,  although I was totally opposed to the creation of any more  new regions, I now accept  the unpalatable fact that they will indeed be formed in the new year - and one's hope is that life will indeed be relatively better for all the people living in those new regions: just as they were led to believe by proponents of the idea. After all, at the end of the day, what we all want, as a people who love their homeland  Ghana passionately, is that regardless of which part of the nation they hail from, Ghanaians will always put their nation first. That is as it should be.

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