Sunday 5 April 2020

Let Us Take Better Care Of Our Health - By Growing And Eating Only Organic Food In Ghana

Dr. Shiva, the American scientist who invented email,  is a brilliant and decent-minded  scientist, with a social conscience,  who has his thinking cap firmly  on. He has made it quite plain, in a YouTube video interview that has gone viral, that COVID-19 is an illness to do with the immune system. Strong immune systems keep it at bay and helps those infected by it, to fight it and recover eventually.

Based on that, the question we ought to ponder over is: As an intelligent people, should we not stop destroying our immune systems, in Ghana, by switching  to eating organic foods  -  just like our forefathers' did  before  the first Europeans (from Portugal)  set foot on our shores,  in 1471?

In furtherance of that priority national security objective, one of the first things the Ghanaian government ought to do, after COVID-19 is finally defeated (in order to aid the economic recovery in Ghana),  is to enter into a private public partnership (PPP), with Apostle Kojo Safo Kantanka, to build the world's biggest manufacturing  plants:  to produce the natural growth mediums;  organic folair fertilisers; and natural pesticides that he uses in his organic farming business.

Naturally,  before they start production in earnest, as an emergency national security measure, a total ban must immediately  be placed on the manufacture and importation of all synthetic fertilisers,  and chemical pesticides, for sale locally. They are destructive to the immune systems of our bodies, and thus pose huge threats to  public health, across Ghana. Enough is enough. Let us take better care of our health - by eating only organic food. Cool.

Sent from Samsung tablet.

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