Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Did God Almighty Battle To Miraculously Shelve The Agyapaapabi-Assaaseyaa-Jersey-SPAC-Heist Permanently?

If God Almighty hadn't intervened, as  sure as day follows night, Agyapa Royalties would have ended up becoming a legal-conduit, for secretly funding the riskiest projects of the golden-princelings-and-princesses, of our county's greed-filled wealthy ruling-élites, abroad, safely out of the reach of Parliamentary scrutiny-and-oversight, ditto the scrutiny of sundry local regulatory bodies, as well as that of the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO).

Hitherto,  until technology made it a very, very risky undertaking, to do so, the Social Security and National Insurance Trust  (SNNIT), was the go-to bank-of-last resort, for funding unbankable-projects, dreamt up by respectable-looking thieves-in-high-positions in our country. Agyapa Royalties was meant to be the secret funding source, for funding such projects, waaa, waaa, waaa, waaa. Sarjewah. Who born dog? 

Onyame, entise Alata ni,  enti, the impossible happened, and the Lord battled for the NDC, to gain enough seats, in the 8th Parliament,  to permanently shelve the Agyapaapabi-Assaseyaa-Jersey-invincible-men-connection permanently. 

As some now posit, God Almighty intervened  to save hapless Ghanaians, from the clutches, of the thieves-in-high-places, whose unfathomable-greed, nearly lost President Akufo-Addo,  the presidency, and deny him the opportunity for a second term, as Ghana's leader. The question we must all ponder over is: Did God Almighty battle to miraculously shelve the Agyapaapabi-Assaaseyaa-Jersey-SPAC-heist, permanently, anaaaa?  Cool.

Sent from Samsung tablet.

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