Monday, 26 December 2022

A quick note to Father Joop Visser - the Wandering-Priest, who loves his adopted country, Ghana, so passionately

Sage1, may 2023 be a good year for all who live across the entire landmass of Ghana. You really  are insightful, paaaa, oooo. Truth be told, it is hard  to avoid wondering whether  wanting to be the government-of-the-day (benefiting from  pork-barrel  politics delivering state-capture benefits to the established powerful rent-seekers who dominate our system and fund both the constituent parties that make up the New Patriotic Party (NPP)  National Democratic Congress (NDC) duopoly that dominate the 4th Republic so), isn't what actually drives the most vocal critics, of the current ruling party.

If that weren't so, for the NDC crowd, why do they not tell us precisely  how they will govern our debt-distressed country that risks ending up like Sri Lanka, and is likely to default on due interest payments for our massive foreign debt - without ruining living standards and stoking up inflation too, for example: so that voters can be confident that voting them into power again won't result in business as usual, for a greed-filled hard-of-hearing ruling-elite, which loves to party and drown in booze, even  in the face of a horrendous cost-of-living crisis, ruining millions of families simultaneously?

Have you seen or heard about any planned policy to use the Bank of Ghana's (BoG) Central Bank Digital Currency  (CBDC), for growth- boosting, levelling-up generational-empowerment-initiatives, such as giving all families and individuals that  request it, CBDC 1 million credited to them in BoG bank accounts opened for them to use to build new homes, in planned new climate-resilient green communities (to replace existing urban and peri-urban slums), and start new green economy businesses - all to be paid  back in 99 years:  with ultra-low installment payments that will provide assured-revenue for governments-of-the-day, from any government critic, yet, for example?

Furthermore, have you heard about any government critics talking about holding discussions with local private sector businesses to back them to find and partner global private sector  infrastructure providers, to self-finance the construction of 6-lane dualised tolled concrete motorways from Accra to all the regional capitals, own and maintain same, for 35 years, with the foreign partners guaranteed 100 percent profit repatriation, before the next presidential and parliamentary  elections, in 2024? Ditto a private sector funded and owned network of high-speed railway lines from Accra to all the regional capitals, on the same terms?

I don't know about you, Sage1, but I haven't heard any government critics in the NDC, promising, thus far,  to initiate new legislation that will give the Auditor General prosecutorial powers, when they come to  power in January 2025,  yet, oooo. Have you, by any chance?

Ditto get Parliament to pass new asset declaration laws making it mandatory for all political appointees (and top career  public servants), and their spouses,  to publicly publish their assets before assuming office,  and immediately after leaving office, should they win the presidential and parliamentary elections, and form the next administration in January 2025?

And, who takes seriously, amongst today's regime-critics, the idea of the passage of new legislation indemnifying all whistleblowers from prosecution, and guaranteeing them 35 percent of recovered stolen public funds, resulting from evidence they provide prosecutors, in  high-level-corruption recovery-trials, when the NDC returns to power again, Sage1?

Above all, should 16-year old Ghanaian citizens not be allowed to register to vote too  - as it is their future that they are watching being stolen from them in plain sight, in broad daylight, as things currently stand,  I ask,  in all humility? I stand to be corrected, on all the above,  naturally, Sage1, Father Joop Visser - you, the Wandering-Priest, who loves your adopted country, Ghana, so passionately. May 2023 be a good year for all who live in Ghana.

Monday, 19 December 2022

How should the Global North's younger generation Blacks deal with the harmful-stupidities of never-ending-racism?

Perhaps the key lesson that younger generation British Blacks ought to learn from the unfortunate lunacy of the racist broadcastor, Jeremy Clarkson's, widely-dessiminated latest uncouth-insults rained on the person of the Duchess of Sussex (whose only crime really for such idiots is that she is mixed-race and married into the British Royal Family), is that they must no longer tolerate being treated as if they are second class citizens who are half human - by making sure that at all material times, they excel in all their undertakings: in similar vein to the resolve of resolute Black boxers who let technical-knock-downs (of all their white opponents), do their refereeing and rounds-score-card-judging for them, in tournaments in boxing rings on British soil.

Same advice goes to younger generation Blacks across Europe, and to young African Americans, who must also abandon individual-snowflakery, and leadership-gaslighting that endless complaints against racism represent, and focus instead on excelling in all their lawful undertakings, ensuring, above all, that racist police officers looking to arrest them unjustly, can't successfuly harass them: because they are aware of, and conversant with, their  constitutional rights in what is supposed to be a democracy built on the bedrock of freedom. In one's humble view, that is how the Global North's  younger generation Blacks ought to deal with the harmful-stupidities of never-ending-racism. Enough, really is enough, now. Haaba. Case closed. Full stop.  Yooooooo...

Friday, 9 December 2022

We must not sit unconcerned while our rapacious rent-seeking state-capture big-thieves-in-high-places get away with murder

Ghana's 1992 Constitution enjoins leaders of sundry governments-of-the-day to refrain from sanctioning  secret clauses in all the agreements they sign on behalf of the good people of Ghana,  and the Ghanaian nation-state. Fellow Ghanaians, is the best way to ensure that,  not simply to have Parliament pass new asset declaration laws, that require all public office holders to publicly publish their assets -  and those of their spouses, anaaa? Yoooooooo...

The question that follows a priori, therefore,  is: When are we going to tear up all the oil and gas sector agreements signed since that with Kosmos Energy, during the Kufuor-era  - and institute production sharing agreements, to replace all such tainted oil and gas sector so-called hybrid oil agreements: that are one-sided and have resulted in Ghana being denied the US $120 billion,  minimum that would have been her due, had we had production sharing agreements, in place, from day one?

Furthermore, should we also not tear up the obnoxious SynoHydro agreement, apparently signed with secret clauses in them that are allegedly  detrimental to the overall interests of ordinary people and that of Mother Ghana, too, anaaaa? And, in light of all the above, when are we going to tear up all the agreements with the biggest private sector state-capture rent-seekers-extraordinaire,  the Jospong Group, Ghanafuo? Corruption has resulted in many Ghanaians losing their lives. It kills mercilessly. No question. That is why as a wise and aspirational African people, we must not sit unconcerned while our sodden big-thieves-in-high-places get away with murder.  Literally. Enough, really is enough, ooooo. Yoooooooo...

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Ghanaians: Let us force our hard-of-hearing ruling-elites to step out of the shadow of conventional economic thinking

Now, more than ever, Ghana's ruling-elites must step out of the shadow of conventional economic thinking, if we are to rid ourselves of the massive debt mountain blocking the transformation of our homeland Ghana into a prosperous and equitable society.

Failure to do so, will lead inexorably to the chaos and destruction that Sri Lanka experienced when it defaulted on paying interest on its gargantuan external debt, here too, as sure as day follows night. No question. Yooooooo...  

Surely, as a wise and aspirational African people, we have the nous and gumption to think up creative and innovative ways, to help us reduce our external debt, without impoverishing ordinary people, in the process, do we not,  Ghanafuo? Haaba.

Why, for example, do we not leverage the value in our forests reserves (definitely more valuable than all the minerals underneath them,  combined), by leasing them to ESG-bedrocked carbon trading companies,  for 99 years, for US$60 billion, I ask, Ghanafuo? Was Twitter not purchased for US$44 billion, recently, anaaa, I ask?   Haaba.

And, were we to leverage the value in all the research institutes under the aegis of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), by repurposing them into cutting-edge commercial research entities, and invite genuine and reputable social impact investors to buy 70 percent for US$60 billion, would that not also reduce the huge debt mountain currently impeding our progress, one wonders?

Furthermore, to end corrosive high-level corruption, why do we also not get Parliament to pass new laws to incentivise whistleblowing - by indemnifying all whistleblowers from prosecution, and rewarding them with 30 percent of recovered purloined public funds, resulting from their exposure of high level corruption, by Ghana's rapacious greed-filled big-thieves-in-high-places? 


Finally,  why do we not get Parliament to pass new laws giving the Auditor General prosecutorial powers? Our ruling-elites  cannot go on as they have been carrying on,  any longer, ooooo, Ghanafuo. Enough is enough. The time for them to step out of the shadow of conventional economic thinking is now upon us - and we must force them to do so now as a wise and aspirational African people: not tomorrow. Yoooooooo...

Friday, 25 November 2022

A quick note to Vagdam's heroic Nitin Patel - On International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the beginning of 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based violence campaign

My dear Nitin,

This new opportunity for  Vagdam, through Nigel Guy Stonham's LearningStreet empowerment platform, has nothing to do with luck, at all. It results from your open-mindedness and refusal to allow stereotyping to stop you from interacting with people, regardless of gender,   nationality, skin hue and religious faith, which makes you such a special member of the human race, Nitin.

How else could our friendship, which began evolving as far back as 2008, on the now-defunct online volunteering website,, have been possible, in the first place, I ask?

Cross border wars and violent internal civil strife,  afflicting societies globally, will become tragedies-of-the-past, when people blessed with the virtues that guide you, in your daily interactions with others,  become the preponderant guiding-principles, for effective  servant-leadership, in societies worldwide.

Finally, as today is 25th November, the day set aside as International Day for the Elimination of  Violence against Women, and the beginning of the 16 days of Activism against Gender- Based Violence campaign, let us spare  a thought for women in all the seven continents of our imperilled biosphere - humankind's only home - who are victims of violence: and hope that their individual circumstances will improve dramatically, somehow, as a result of the work of activists worldwide, who daily fight their cause.

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Should a wise and aspirational African people like Ghanaians press their leaders to make cybercrime punishable by mandatory death sentences?

So seriously-damaging, is cybercrime, in a world now virtually  dependent on digitisation for value-creation that we must make it a crime punishable by mandatory life sentences, without the possibility of parole for all categories of offenders, regardless of age.

If any one doubts the importance of digitisation in value-creation,  let him or her go the offices of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG),  and see the frustration of customers (who hitherto had been paying their bills from the comfort of their homes, offices and other remote locations, for example, using money stored in digital wallets on their smartphones), who have had to travel to those ECG offices to wait in longish-queues, to pay their bills.

The question to ponder over, dear critical-reader,  is: Would you invest in a company whose leadership had allowed  a situation in which a key revenue-assuarance  digital-payment-platform, had collapsed, to persist for so long, anaaa?  Haaba.

There are certain heinious crimes, such as treason, killing security agency personnel on duty carrying out national assignments and cybercrime,  for example, which our complacent and hard-of-hearing ruling-elites need to overcome their unwillingness to sanction the carrying out of death sentences, for, oooo, Ghanafuo. Yoooooo...

Mandatory death sentences, which is what all cyber criminals  deserve for their egregious nation-wrecking activities (in one's humble view), are a must:  because when they begin being carried out in vigorous-fashion, they  will swiftly end the prevalent view amongst cybercriminals from across West Africa,  that Ghana is soft-touch-haven for them. Simple. Case closed. Cool.

Sunday, 20 November 2022

A quick note to Wilmot Dweh - a Gomoa Buduburam Camp Liberia media professional working to create a new green economic-pillar for Liberia

Good morning, Wilmot. It was nice seeing you again yesterday. I am praying that you and your Camp Liberia colleagues, who are attempting to set up a local branch of the  Congress for  Democratic Change (CDC), the ruling party in Liberia, here in Ghana, will be succesful in doing so.

Above all, one hopes that the idea that your branch of the CDC's contribution to the transformation of Liberia into a prosperous and equitable society, will be to help make the commercialisation of ecocoboard production, a new ESG-bedrocked green economic-pillar for Liberia, which will create wealth that remains locally, and generate  jobs galore: with a value-chain whose smallholder farmer-stakeholders are empowered to bootstrap their way to financial independence, through agroforestry.

As I intimated to you, on my part, as my humble contribution to ensuring your success, I am happy to place my personal network of global contacts at the disposal of you and your colleagues. My doors are also open to you whenever you want to meet with me.

Finally, do remember that is vital that your Gomoa Buduburam Camp Liberia refugee settlement area branch of the CDC, when it is established formally, collaborates with the Liberia Netherlands Business and Cultural Council (LNBCC) - as it is through them that the Dutch private sector partners needed to ensure funding for any successful ecocoboard production commercialisation-project-execution, across Liberia's coastline counties, will come on board, to create this much-needed new green economic-pillar for the good people of Liberia. I wish you all well in that noble endeavour. Peace and blessings to all you!

Thursday, 17 November 2022

A quick note to Ohemaa Paaapabi Bertha Adu - explaining the import of a viral video recommending local lending markets instead foreign funding sources

Ohemaa Paaapabi Bertha Adu,  in short, what the gentleman in that viral video says,  is that in a COP-underpinned-era, in which lack of commitment to ESG-principles, can affect a nation's credit rating, negatively, it is much better for Ghana to rely on alternative sources of funding for projects, instead of foreign sources of funding projects.

Let moi give you an explanation in simple terms: For example,  if Issa Ouedraogo had taken his unique and highly successful  agrisector social-impact business, B-BOVID, to the Alternative Exchange of the Ghana Stock Exchange (GES), to raise capital for expansion, instead of accepting an approach from so-called foreign investors, Moringa, who turned out to be crooks fraudulently cloaking their unethical enterprise as a social impact agroforestry investor, to enable them use Ghana as a conduit for gargantuan-money-laundering, today, he wouldn't be fighting them to reclaim his life's work,  and legacy.

So, in short, Ohemaa Paaapabi Bertha, he is recommending that Ghana  looks to internal sources of funding  (such as our capital markets, including the Ghana Stock Exchange,  and the insurance sector, for example),  to the Ghana  government, if it needs  to borrow longterm funding for development projects, instead of using its awoof-route-of-choice: money from canny Chinese banks,  Eurobonds and the like -from which powerful and well-connected state-capture rent-seekers, make a killing, in small-percentage-commissions.

Unfortunately for  Ghanaians, issues, such as the opacity of public procurement contracts, big-fat-brown-envelope-lobbying that gives stakes in businesses set up by foreign crooks out to rip-off Mother Ghana, to the big-thieves-in-high-places who dominate our system, and are destroying our natural heritage to mine gold with total impunity,  contravene  the now fashionable required-commitment to  ESG principles  (profit, people and planet, basically), which, in today's COP-underpinned era for humankind's progress,  affect out national economy's  outlook, in the arcane-calculations of the all-powerful rating agencies, such as Moodys. Hope that all the above helps, somewhat, in giving you a much clearer big-picture of the import of that viral video  - although it comes from an ignoramus and uneducated old fool: moi, Kofi Thompson. Cool.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

A quick note to Issa Ouedraogo - on exposing Moringa's egregious corporate-criminality

Good morning, kindred-spirit. Another day,  and yet another opportunity to make a difference.  It shall be well, in the fullness of time. Onyame entis3,  Alata ni,oooo, wai, Massa.

Today, let's focus on getting both your delivered-speeches ready, by mid-day, wai, Massa.

The idea is to use both events, as  opportunities empowering you to advocate for  Ghanaian farming to transition to ESG-bedrocked 100% organic farming  -  for you, a demonstrably easily achievable on-the-ground  practical-goal: if your unique, profitable and highly succesful  social-impact B-BOVID Farms Ltd's profit-sharing agrisector business model is replicated nationwide.

The radical thing to do, in terms of using both events to  expose Moringa and their super-expensive-to-acquire  Danduruwaka-lawyers, is simply to incorporate  your email response to Nanai Ace Ankomah's email to the chairperson of the Ghana Arbitration Centre panel constituted to hear the matter,  as the evidential-summation of the systemic-challenges you are currently grappling with fighting the racist greenwashing-carpetbaggers from France - who are here to engage in money-laundering, using earmarked agroforestry funds for Africa, to cloak their  mammoth-sized money-laundering scheme.

Make the point, forcefully, that it is an allegation you intend to prove in the law courts, backed by gathered-incontrovertible-evidence of Moringa's egregious corporate-criminalty -  and that you will do the exposure of Moringa's corporate-skullduggery, not before an arbitration panel that does not consider such corporate-criminalty, but in the appropriate fora for adjudicating issues of corporate criminality, in our system: the law courts.

Ditto that you are doing so because they are important food security issues which the authorities in Ghana  must ensure never occur again  -   if your proven and highly successful climate-smart agrisector social-impact business model, is to flourish: as a private sector  well-funded,  truly-transformational and fit-for-purpose 100% ESG-underpinned climate-resilient green economic-pillar, creating wealth that remains locally, and generating fulfilling-jobs galore, across a renewed and prosperous  rural Ghana, full of happy active-citizens, contributing their quota to the all-important  nation-building task we all face in a turbulent world in transition. Cool.

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Please don't tag me into your Facebook page posts

One regrets to announce that henceforth, one will no longer share tagged Facebook  posts, on one's widely-read Facebook page, till further notice. Full stop. Hmmm, ey3nsem piiiiii, oooo, Ghanafuo...

Please note that as matters now stand,  for online-existential-reasons, and longterm-brand-resiliency pėurposes,  it matters not a whit to moi, who you are, or what your tagged  post  is about  -  just don't tag me,  wai. Full stop. Di wu lane  mu, wai, Massa. Period.

Since the geniuses into whose grubby hands our Motherland, Ghana,  has fallen, suddenly woke up to the threat to their egregious-dissimulation, posed online, by idiots like Kofi Thompson, on social media platforms, I have suddenly experienced a spike in  complaints to Facebook (as many as five now)  that "according to independent fact-checkers", I have shared false news  -  all of them genuine and innocent tagged-posts I shared, only because I wanted to publicise good causes. I have had enough.  I am human after all.  Haaba.

The question that a wise and aspirational African people like Ghanaians ought to ponder over is: Who are these faceles Kafkaesque "independent fact-checkers", who are now creating the online building-blocks for tomorrow's  tyranny,  in Ghana, koraaaa? Hmmm, eyeasem, ooooo...

That said, let the word go out loud and clear: Kofi Thompson will not be cowed. No. No. No. Case closed. One simply refuses to allow the hirelings of Ghana's  greed-filled  big-thieves-in-high-places,  to get yet more  opportunities, to negatively impact the global-reach, and influence-footprint, of one's widely-read social media platform pages, including one's Facebook pages.  Full stop.

So, dear critical-readers,   neither send any friend requests to moi, nor tag moi into your Facebook page posts, for now, ooooo, wai -  at least not until the metaphorical muddied-waters are clearer,  to moi.  Obiara endi ni lane mu, wai,  Massa. Kofi Thompson too knows how to read tea leaves, paaaa, oooo, wai, Massa. Sarjewah.   Cool.

Sunday, 30 October 2022

A prosperous and inclusive society, can never evolve overnight, in our homeland Ghana

The bald truth, dear critical-reader, is that a prosperous and inclusive society cannot evolve, overnight, in our homeland  Ghana, ever. Full stop.  What is possible, is gradually increasing national  wealth, made possible by local innovation. Simple. That is not rocket-science-comprehension,  koraaa, oooo, Ghanafuo. Full stop.

That is why some of us despise those who still don't get it that a wise and aspirational African people like us, must  never despair  -  because no matter how difficult things might get, temporarily, tailor-made local creative solutions, will always be  there, to enable our nation move forward again. Onyame entis3 Alata ni ooooo. Yoooooooo....

Why, for example,  do we always  blame governments-of-the-day, when our hatahata-currency loses ground against benchmark-currencies like the US dollar  -  when the bald truth  is that it is our foolish  love of imported products (for  which better made local alternatives are often  available),  which  fuels the trade imbalances mostly responsible for the Ghana cedis hatahataness, Ghanafuo? Haaba.

Furthermore, instead of allowing foreign criminals to come into our country, to destroy our priceless natural natural heritage, to  mine gold, significant proceeds from  which  then end up being funnelled overseas, in sundry canny stealth-money-laundering schemes, why do we not rather  incentivise our younger generations to take a leaf from the green wealth-creation-playbook, of Ghana's foremost green entrepreneur, Kofi Boakye-Yiadom's green business model: the creation of adventure parks that are  on-the-ground-bedrocked world-class for-profit-conservation businesses?

Furthermore, we must not forget that out of the galamsay disaster here, can also be found opportunities galore, to make  honest money  restoring poisoned  mined-out-land,  ditto in the  preservation of  the remainder of our nation's priceless green capital, ooooo, Ghanafuo. Zillions. Literally. Hmmm, ey3nsem piiiiii, ooooo...

Ghanafuo, surely, if we patronise locally made products more than we do imported foreign made products, will that not make a huge difference to our balance of payments  metrics - and consequently end up making the hatahata-cedi, strengthen a tad more, anaaa? Rome was not built in a day, ooooo. Yoooooo...

Finally,  let us now move rapidly to step out of the shadow of conventional economic thinking, and take steps to make Mother Ghana a poster-girl for no-holds-barred private-sector led  economic development, in which private sector entities, not taxpayers,  foot the bills for the modernisation and  expansion of our infrastructure, in return for owning maintaining, collecting and repatriating  accruing profits, 100 percent, for 30-year periods?

Will that not negate the need for governments-of-the-day,  to borrow zillions (from which our rent-seeking state-capture big-thieves-in-high-places, get their massive nokofio big-brown-envelope-kickbacks), anaaa, I ask?

Above all, it is said that poverty and democracy don't make good bedfellows. In that light, if digital bank accounts were opened by the Bank of Ghana, for all families in Ghana that request it, into which as part of a fresh-start generational-empowerment-initiative, levelling-up seed money (of 1 million Central Bank Digital Currency   cedis), is credited, for family homes to be built on compounds that are fruit forest gardens, in planned new green climate resilient communities with Ecoroad-networks, which are lined with fruit trees, would the GHc100 rent paid monthly, as installment payments towards paying off the entire cost of their family homes, within a 100-year time-frame, not be predictable-assured-revenues that governments-of-the-day could rely on, and utilise transparently,  for nation-building purposes, I ask? 


Finally, in light of all the above, if we genuinely remain committed to democracy, and private-sector sector led growth, then we must all understand clearly that  Rome was not built in a day  -  ditto that neither will a prosperous and inclusive society, ever evolve, overnight, literally, in our homeland  Ghana,  oooo, Ghanafuo.  Yoooooooo...

Thursday, 27 October 2022

A quick note to Etelle Higonnete - on why ultimately, it is us humans, who are at risk, existentially, not the planet Earth

Etelle, pity we still haven't managed to talk yet. Bad weather conditions, in the part of the Central Region of Ghana where I currently live (Gomoa Buduburam), have disrupted Ghana's complacent telcos' broadband Internet services here, alas.

Be that as it may, we aren't sleeping: The battle is joined, and, we have the advantage of lion-heartedness on our side - against those who profit mightily from selling the toxic agrochemicals killing us slowly  here, to the large-scale commercial mono-croppers, whose chosen agribusiness model, has wrought such egregious-destruction, environmentally, across the entire landmass of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Ghana.

As a wise and aspirational African people, we must definitely end mono-cropping, and convert  to organic farming underpinned by agroforestry principles, as soon as practicable.

As it happens, my dear friend and kindred-spirit, Issa Ouedraogo has the perfect agrisector social impact business model,  bedrocked on agroforestry principles, which can be replicated nationwide, to convert all farming in Ghana  to climate-resilient climate-smart organic farming. 
Issa's agrisector  social impact business model,  provides a perfect local green-solution,  for a perennial  local food security assurance  challenge, at a time when rural Ghana is being impacted so negatively,  by global climate change.

That is why for common-good  public health reasons, concerned environmental activists  in my native Ghana, are determined to end the baleful influence, on our ruling-elites, of the powerful  big foreign corporations, which have shown so clearly that they love filthy lucre, more than committing to being guided by ethical ESG  common-good-sharing  values.

Fair profits earned through protecting and enhancing all life in our shared-home, our biosphere,  is the only way forward, for a heavily polluted  planet threatened by the unfathomable greed that drives the Moringa's of this world.

Ultimately, environmental activists worldwide will prevail, because it will become clearer and clearer to the world's climate-denying doubting-Thomases (amongst whose ranks, one counts  your own nation, the U.S.A.'s blind and narow-minded fascist Trumpian-MAGA-folk), that humankind will end up becoming extinct, if we don't stop being beholden to the world's 1-percenters.

We must stop acquiesing to their ruthless and relentless drive for endless-profits, at the expense of the welfare and well-being of humanity and Mother Nature.

It is this that informs our own fight here im Ghana, to get Moringa's undeserved role, as stewards of earmarked agroforestry funds for Africa, taken away from the washed-out racist French greenwashing-carpetbaggers, who run it in Ghana. But I digress.

The bald-truth, is that the destruction  wrought by the world's 1-percenters is widespread. They must not be allowed to continue getting away with it -  in their ruthless and relentless  pursuit of profits.

What all humans need to understand, clearly, is that  Mother Nature is incredibly resilient. Ditto that barring it being smashed to smithereens by an object from outer space, there can be no doubt that even if it ends up becoming uninhabitable, today, for humans,  in a few million years, hence, the planet Earth will have recovered from the harm wrought by humankind - and will be thriving, once again, sans unthinking and selfish humanity.

So, my dear lion-hearted Amazon-Queen friend, Etelle, ultimately, it is us humans, who are risk, existentially, not the planet Earth. Simple, really. Cool.

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Is inflation in Ghana underpinned by unacceptable-egregious-profiteering?

I have always had a feeling that the rapid rise in the prices of goods, in Gomoa Buduburam's Camp Liberia refugee settlement area, boiled down, essentially, to unacceptable egregious price-gouging, by the many micro-businesses that flourish there.

Run by hustler-types, those micro-enterprises retail products, with the following regulatory-failings: invariably slightly-damaged; often have no sell-by dates; or are in-the-the-face counterfeited.

According to bush-bush-telegraph-sources, the majority of sellers in the market itself, or those selling along that fascinating melting-pot community's dusty road-network, are mostly trafficked nationals from across West Africa. The rest belong to a small multi-ethnic demographic of Ghanaians, attracted there by dirt-cheap rental-rates.

What all sellers in the Camp Liberia refugee settlement area, have in common, is that they are beholden to the super-ruthless criminal-syndicates: which are allegedly dominated by Nigerian Mafiosi  -  who have an iron-grip, on what is said to be the global-hub, for the sale of 'genuine' IDs, which enable worldwide travel, for mostly trafficked Nigerians, as 'refugees'.

On the day I ventured into that metaphorical web-of-deceit, to take its pulse, the sellers' excitement was palpable: I was gleefully informed by every retailer whom I interacted with, that prices were going to be increased yet again, "tomorrow": the day an imminent fuel price increase, would be taking effect.

Their cock-a-hoop egregious-example, of seller-profiteering, is clearcut impirical-evidence of unacceptable inflation-causing price-gouging, nationwide, which underpins Ghana's devastating cost-of-living crisis. Hmmm, ey3nsem piiiii, oooo, Ghanafuo.

Sunday, 23 October 2022

COCOBOD and global chocolate industry giants: Collaborate to scure a climate-resilient climate-smart organic agroforestry future, for Ghana's cocoa sector

The ongoing  trial of the former head of the COCOBOD, Dr. Opuni, has  revealed the extent of the  baleful influence of the agrochemical industry, on our ruling-elites.

Yet, because of its importance as an economic pillar,  it is imperative that the COCOBOD and giants of the  global chocolate industry, collaborate to  make organic farming in Ghana - using certified agroforestry principles - as their focus, for ensuring a  climate-resilient  climate-smart organic future, for Ghana's cocoa sector.

As regards the health of our people, all food production in Ghana needs to be converted to organic farming, in which  agroforestry principles empower smallholder farmers nationally, asap. Truth be told,  we are literally paying money to buy foodstuff (including fruits and vegetables) with unacceptable levels of chemical residue, in reality.

The cocoa sector is a classic  example: We need to aim to become the biggest growers of organic cocoa  in the world - and Apostle Kojo Sarfo Kantanka's innovative organic growth-medium and organic pesticides could be used to do so, with giant factories producing those inputs.  

What's going on in the cocoa sector, shows the dearth of transformative-leadership, which is attuned to the fast expanding global export markets' demand for organic agricultural produce.

Luckily, a replicable  organic farming business model, already exists in the Western Region,  executed in world-class fashion, by the brilliant founder of B-BOVID, Issa Ouedraogo - who has chalked   on-the-ground successes using a social impact  agroforestry business model that bedrock's  the welfare and well-being of  host communities from which his company, B-BOVID Farms Limited's  smallholder oil palm farmer-stakeholders, hail and farm  in,  as the company's strategic-underpinning, and main focus.

The cocoa industry could replicate his social impact business  model to secure the future of Ghana's cocoa industry, at a time when climate change is impacting rural Ghana so negatively.

He can share his experience in producing certified organic oil palm fruit, with governments-of-the-day  -  who should  collaborate with successful agrisector agripreneurs like him, perhaps  via his NGO, T.R.A.C.T.O.R. His  commitment  to farming organically,  through agroforestry climate-smart-farming,  is an inspiration.

There is no time to waste,  as the cocoa industry is being decimated by the powerful big-thieves-in-high-places, who are destroying our protected forest reserves to mine their  gold deposits.

Yet, Ghana's priceless natural capital is a zillion times more valuable than all the gold, which is mined in them - because of the existentially-irreplaceable ecosystem services they provide: particularly as global climate  change will inexorably lead to water scarcity, as sure as day follows night,  if we don't make the protection of the remainder of our natural heritage, a top national security concern.

Organic farming in Ghana, using certified agroforestry principles,   must go hand in hand with the  preservation of the remainder of Ghana's natural capital, and bedrock all our greening Ghana initiatives.

In light of all the above, the COCOBOD and the giants of the  global chocolate industry, must make organic farming in Ghana, using certified agroforestry principles,  their focus, for ensuring a  climate-resilient  climate-smart organic future, for Ghana's cocoa sector.

Sunday, 16 October 2022

Ghana is not a banana republic - and will not be allowed to end up as one

As a wise and aspirational African African people, we must unite to find creative-solutions, to all the (temporary) nation-building challenges now confronting us.

To be able to successfuly overcome our hydra-headed nation-building challenges, we ought to understand, clearly, that we must continue to remain a free people, living in a democracy, in which the best ideas always come to the fore, in open debate, to move our country forward, and power our prosperity.

 It is in that light that we must ensure that our ruling-elites get it, that  whatever yields common-good benefits, to Ghanaian society, at any given point in time), not party advantage, bedrocks our entire system, and guides policy making - in a Ghana in which the rule of law prevails.

That is why we cannot, and must not, allow those who are contemptous of the rule of law, to continue acting with impunity - as if this marvellous and resource rich, blessed nation of ours, is a banana republic, which exists solely for the benefit of a wealthy and power-mad few: determined to send their personal net worth to stratospheric heights, at the expense of ordinary people.

Elite-greed must end. It must be halted now, because it  will lead to  disastrous-ruination for all of us, as sure as day follows night, if we don't end it  - and must therefore be resisted at all costs. Nkrumah's Ghana is not a banana republic - and will not be allowed to end up as one. Full stop. Case closed. Yoooooooo...

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Will Moringa's greenwashing-chicanery be eventually exposed by overseas regulatory bodies' investigations?

It is inevitable that Moringa's exploitation of Ghana's criminal justice system, to enable it hijack B-BOVID, from its brilliant founder, Issa Ouedraogo, will eventually lead to it being investigated by the relevant regulatory bodies in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia and elsewhere.

Those overseas  investigations, will result in personal prosecutions of the washed-out racist French greenwashing-carpetbaggers and incompetents, running Moringa's tainted operations in Ghana - such as those recommended for the Ericsson executives: who are being held personally responsible for the scandalous, reputational-damaging Ericsson corrupt management culture's egregious-actions and ruinious-inactions in Iraq, as sure as day follows night.

Alas, their corrupt  and unethical Ghanaian professional-enablers, including their Danduruwaka-lawyers, won't be able to influence-peddle, in any of those jurisdictions, for those shameless French crooks. Never.


Not when  gathered-incontrovertible-evidence in our possession,  includes classic  Machiavelian-tactics, such as  Moringa writing to funders in Europe, praising Issa Ouedraogo to high heavens,  while at the selfsame time slandering him in Ghana, as an incompetent stumbling-block who had to be removed, for, amongst other 'sins', refusing to allow Turpin to become CEO, with a draining and unsustainable combined  monthly compensation of over some €20,000, or thereabouts, for what is a unique agrisector social-impact business, focused on empowering its oil palm smallholder farmer-stakeholders to bootstrap their way to financial independenc,  and enjoy higher living standards. Incredible.  Outrageous. Unconscionable. Abominable. Unspeakable. Unpardonable.

Finally, dear critical-reader, if, as some allege, Moringa is in reality, a vehicle for using its stewardship of earmarked COP-26   Agroforestry initiative funds, for the African continent,  to cloak   mammoth-sized money-laundering, that too, will be exposed by those overseas investigations.  No question. Full stop. Case closed.

Monday, 10 October 2022

Fight on, Issa Ouedraogo - for in the fullness of time, you, it is, who will emerge victorious in your battle against Moringa

Yewura Issa, we set out to create awareness of your plight, by emphasising, in article after article, that Moringa owed you a duty-of-care from the moment you agreed to meet with them, when they first  approached you,   via an email. Simple. No libilaba. Full stop.

Without a shadow of doubt,  it was your unique, and very successful, agrisector   social-impact business, and its value-chain's thriving smallholder oil palm farmer-stakeholders, which drew sodden Moringa to you, as a potential perfectly-aligned-fit, for their foray into Africa, as stewards of all the AfDB's Agroforestry funds earmarked for Africa.

Furthermore, we have outlined, have we not, with clarity, why their subsequent egregious-ruinous-actions, and weaponised-falsehoods, prove  beyond any shadow of doubt, that from the word go, they were cynically law-breaking  greenwashing-carpetbaggers, sans moral compasses,  out to grab opportunities across Africa, using your life's work and passion, B-BOVID (which you established as a common-good vehicle, to enable you, an orphan-made-good, to give back to society, for your good fortune in life), to cloak the evil ends they sought - including possible money-laundering, of mammoth-sized proportions?

 We shall prevail in the fullness of time.  Make no mistake about that, koraaa,  ooooo.

Surely, -we did not deliver all that vital global-awareness-creation, only  for turncoat-lawyers to betray you? Let's get the fearless and determined young Francis-Xavier Kojo Sosu on board, asap.

Rest assured, kindred-spirit, that Sosu will fight a determined fight, to enable you to get your social impact agribusiness company, B-BOVID,  back, come hell or high water - and, just like me,  will never betray you: because both our  consciences are not (and have never,  been), for sale. Full stop.

On my part, the fact of the matter, is that  I decided to support you, mainly because you have done such  a yeoman's job, creating, singlehandedly, a stellar climate-resilient smart-organic -farming model,  which if implemented nationwide, across our homeland Ghana, by governments-of-the-day, will ensure food security, and,  transform rural Ghana, into a prosperous green  economic-pillar adding to sustainable growth.

So do fight on, Yewura Issa - for in the fullness of time, you, it is, who will emerge victorious in your battle against Moringa.

Sunday, 9 October 2022

To the Ace Ankomahs and their cohorts: We fear no foe, and, we fight to win. Always. No bloody fears, koraaaa

Lawyer Francis-Xavier Kojo Sosu: Jack where are you, koraaaaa? Hmmm, ey3nsem piiiiii, oooo, Ghanafuo. Hon. Francis-Xavier Kojo Sosu, have 'they' parleyed you, into not taking this crucial case, up, anaaaaa? Hmmm, eyeasem, ooooo...

Massa, we will prevail, regardless, wai  -  no matter the lengths to which the sodden Legal-Danduruwaka Ace  Ankomahs, and their big-thieves-in-high-places  cohorts,  go. Sarjewah.

We will roundly defeat them, where it really matters most: the U.S., the EU and the UK.

Massa, the gathered-incontrovertible-evidence, in our possession, will trigger thorough investigations, by the relevant financial services sector regulatory bodies, in all those jurisdictions  -   once sighted by them, wai. We fear no foe, and, we fight to win. Always. No bloody fears, koraaaa. Cool.

Saturday, 8 October 2022

The rich and powerful of today's Anansekrom, had better start humbling themselves

At some point, in the not too distant future, dear critical-reader, we will begin to witness the beginning of Robin-Hood-terrorism, in the Metaverse domain of Anansekrom. Hmmm, ey3nsem piiiiii, oooo, Ghanafuo.


Alas, once a selected-target, for remote-conrolled kamikaze-drone strikes, against which not even the murderous kleptocratic-dictatorship of Putin's big-thieves-in-high-places, can protect themselves from, Anansekrom's big-thieves-in-high-places,will all succumb to the coming Robin-Hood-terrorism, designed to precede, and effect,  abrupt regime-change, oooo. Yooooooo...

Coming nearer to home, to Oman Ghana, the question to ponder over is: When will the investigation and  prosecution of all those responsible for penning that abominable and treasonable document, put out by the so-called Danquah Institute, outlining the undermining-frameworks to bedrock their planned 30-year assured-domination of our system, long after entering the political wilderness, after 7th January, 2025?

The horrendous Akan tribal supremacist-rubbish, and pie-in-the-sky ambitions, contained in the said document, are far worse than anything we have seen, thus far, in high-treason prosecutions, since December 1993, oooo, Ghanafuo. Our ruling-elites must start humbling themselves. Now.  Not tomorrow. Enough, really is enough, oooo. Yoooooo.  Hmmm, Oman Ghana - enti y3wieye paaaa enei? Asem, kesie bi ebeba debi ankasa, ooooo. Yoooooooo...

Dr. Ted Trainer: What disaster will befall Ghana if it uses its Central Bank digital currency for levelling-up generational-empowerment-initiatives?

Dear Ted,

I shall go straight to the point: What disaster would befall Mother Ghana, if its Central  Bank Digital Currency was deploy9ed for levelling-up generational-empowerment-initiatives, to bedrock its transformation into a prosperous and equitable  African society?

The idea, for those of us who believe that our nation's ruling-elites,  ought to step out of the shadow of conventional economic thinking   -   is to open digital bank accounts, at the Bank of  Ghana  (BoG), for all families that ask for it:  who will then be credited with GHD1 million,  to start businesses, and construct family homes, in new planned green communities, sited in individual compounds, with fruit forest gardens.

There will also be  community ecoroad-networks (constructed with locally available materials and offered-free-community-labour, by EcoTerra International), with both road sides lined  with fruit trees and medicinal trees. Cool.

Those who elect for what is, in effect, will be levelling-up helicopter-money, with 15-year repayment moratorium-timeframes  -  and subsequent  monthly rent payments (of GHD100), thereafter, counting as installment payments towards paying off the entire  cost of their family homes, within two generations. 


Would that not provide governments-of-the-day with stable-assured-revenues, which can make a difference to our nation-building efforts, as a wise and aspirational African people, I ask, Ted?

But then I am only an uneducated old fool, lucky to be blessed with a curious mind, and a facility for playing with words in humorous fashion   -   so do tell moi (and the rest of the world!), exactly what disaster would befall Mother Ghana, if all the above came to pass. 

Friday, 7 October 2022

A quick note to Ghana's foremost green entrepreneur Kofi Boakye-Yiadom - on why regime change is now a desirable-outcome

Favourite nephew, one now finally gets it: The question a wise and aspirational African people ought to ponder over is: What if, in reality, what is said to be a stable and peaceful liberal African democracy, is the manifestation of the pivotal-desired-outcomes, outlined in that damning Danquah Institute document outlining desired 30-year-timespan-outcomes, to protect today's big-thieves-in-high-places from paying for their many egregious crimes against Ghanaians?

You are absolutely right, favourite nephew: How, indeed, can one continue to support protecting the 4th Republic, if such an abominable document can be produced, and circulated, to reassure those responsible for (and who have benefited mightily from the egregious on-the-ground dreadful-consequences, of the rule-by-clever-idiots we are now experiencing)?

Yes, it is foolish, in the extreme, for one to continue supporting a regime so clearly dominated by too-clever-by-half greed-filled sods, who are amoral covert-oligarchs, who think they are superior beings, who are all above the law, and thus can justifiably manipulate our institutions of state, by placing their bed-fellows at helm-positions in those key state institutions, particularly the Judiciary and Electoral Commission, the Forestry Commission, Public Services Commission, etc., etc. That is clearly an oligarchy masquerading as a democracy to achieve its own Machiavelian-ends.

Yes, favourite nephew, it follows, a priori,  then, that those of us who believe that only a society bedrocked on genuine commitment to the rule of law, not rule by tribal-supremacist, arrogant and bigoted-individuals (who think only of nation-wrecking schemes designed to send their personal net worth to stratospheric heights, at the expense of Mother Ghana, and our nation's hapless, hard-done-by masses), should no longer resist, and campaign against, a strictly-controlled, 4th June, 1979-type holding-to-account regime-change, if that is what, at day's end, will prevent the ticking social time bomb we are sitting on from suddenly exploding.

So, yes, such a putsch is in order, and can be morally justified, on common-good grounds - to save our dear nation from certain-implosion and permanent-ruination.

It is in light of all the above, that one thus now concedes, that to continue to support, at any point time in our history, a sitting head, of any government-of-the-day, whose powers have clearly been effectively usurped by the most greedy self-seeking big-thieves-in-high-places, in his or her inner-circle, on high-principle-grounds (because that will ensure peace and stability of Ghanaian society), is naive and dangerous nonsense on bamboo stilts, and untenable.  Massa, I concede: Enough, really, is enough - change must come to save Mother Ghana from permanent-ruination. Today. Not tomorrow. Full stop. Case closed.

Thursday, 6 October 2022

A quick note to Valarie Wood-Gaiger OBE - on the perils of brand-imaging in an era of cultural-wars

Ohemaa Paaapabi Valarie,  

To ensure the continued sanctity, of the stellar Valarie Wood-Gaiger brand, please caption that lovely photograph of you resting  in a hammock, along these lines: Taking a well-earned rest while hiking - if that is what you were actually doing. Vital,  in an era of cultural-wars, to protect your brand, wai. Wish you well, as always.  

Incidentally, may I also humbly suggest that you have a conversation with the founder of the Ghanaian environmental activist group,  Eco-Conscious Citizens Group,the shrewd and brilliant lawyer, Awula Serwah Asante, who once worked at the Commonwealth Secretariat,  on Kensington High Street (just round the corner from Pembroke Gardens,  and Edward's Square, home for me, for years,  while in the UK, before finally moving to Perryn Road, Acton, to be with my only son's loving and broadminded Scottish/German Mama.  But I digress).

Perhaps if asked by your charming self, my dear,  she could take up running Grandma Ghana, if you ask her to. Haven't spoken about it, to her, yet, but I am pretty  sure she will - as  the two platforms have synergy.

It might interest you to know that her activist and passionate tree hugging Msma, is a 95-year old Grandma, and that Awula Serwah is the daughter of a giant of civil service history in Ghana, K. B. Asante,  who served the nation in many capacities, and was a brilliant and prolific writer.  She is a chip off the old block, paaaapa. Cool.

Finally, do please ask the Ghanaian NGO, Child Rights International, to look through their emails, and tell you, and the rest of the world, what exactly, they did, about the two children-at-risk, cases, which I brought to their notice, and both of which I also published articles about?  Hmmm, Ghana - ey3nsem piiiiii, oooo...

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Why regulatory bodies in Ghana, the UK and the US, must investigate Moringa asap

 Dear critical-reader,

Nothing, but nothing, must either be ruled out, or in, when it comes to Moringa's shabby attempt to stealth-hijack B-BOVID,  from its brilliant and farsighted founder,  Issa Ouedraogo.  Full stop.

The question to ponder over  is: As conscientious   and law-abiding citizens, does it not follow, a priori,   therefore, that one  has a moral obligation to point out to all the relevant financial services sector regulatory bodies, in Ghana, the UK and the US, that they need to discount the possibility of the existence of an audacious plan, for Moringa to engage in mammoth-sized  money laundering (amounting to billions), using agroforestry initiatives to cloak that abomination?

Surely, the available gathered-incontrovertible-evidence (including  Moringa's serial-falsehoods communicated to Ghanaian officialdom), make sense, in that sense, in a manner of speaking, from that viewpoint? 


Naturally,  being a fair-minded people,  we hope against hope, that thorough investigations are carried out quickly to end this tragic example of greenwashing-carpetbaggers from overseas, victimising a local partner, with a ruthless strategy of deployed-shareholder-oppresion-maneuvering. The time has now come for all the  regulatory bodies in Ghana, the UK and the US, to  investigate Moringa asap.

Are we becoming a banana republic reeling from rule-by-clever-idiots?

Feeling incredibly weak recently, dear critical-reader,  I decided to go for my annual medical check-up, to find out what possibly could be the root-cause, of that worrying new development, physiological constitution-wise.

I was horrified to discover that I had actually contracted a very, very bad-case of typhoid  - a truly horrific infection: which I wouldn't wish on even my worst enemies. Hmmm, life...

I was incredibly lucky that  the diligent young physician assistant, who treated me, did so with such empathy and patience  -  despite the pressures it was so obvious, to one, that virtually all the staff there face, daily, having to find ingenious ways to serve  so many marginalised financially-challenged individuals, well, as is humanly possible. Kudos to all of them. I salute all of them  -  particularly Physician Assistant, Joseph Ofori, who impressed me so much, and to whom I shall be eternally grateful, for saving the ebbing life of a cantankerous old man, in the twilight-years of his alloted time-span, on this plane.

As someone, who was lucky enough, in better days, to have the private-sector's Finney Hospital, as my go-to healthcare facility,  I was glad that the Catholic Health Department's St. Gregory's Catholic Hospital, at  Gomoa Buduburam's Camp Liberia refugee settlement area, was sufficiently well-resourced, enough, to serve one.

Like many other retired folk, one has had to downsize most aspects of one's daily existence  -  because of the hydra-headed,  inflation-induced acute-cost-of-living crisis, now being  faced by virtually all in our country,  rich and poor alike. My rent, for example,   has gone up from a little under GHc500, to a wealth-wrecking GHc1000 - now the going-rate for houses with that size of floor-space. Hmmm, ey3nsem piiiiii, oooo,  Ghanafuo.

To ensure that the typhoid epidemic raging across Gomoa Buduburam, and its environs ends quickly, when fully recovered,  one will now start focusing on launching a social media campaign, to stop the shameless Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL), from continuing to pump incredibly dirty water,  through its distribution pipeline network (especially in our State Housing Company estate, at Gomoa Buduburam), and has the gall to charge for that health damaging dangerous water, too. Abominable.  Unpardonable. Unspeakable.  

In light of all the above,  the  question that the wise and aspirational Africans living in our homeland Ghana have to ponder over is: Now that we are experiencing rule by clever-idiots, are we  heading towards becoming a banana republic, anaaa?

Most of the members of Ghana's public-sector's professional classes, now  appear to be focusing   their creativity, mainly on generating  nokofio-brown-envelope-cash opportunities  -  not on the work they were employed, in the first place, to do for the common-good of the masses in Nkrumah's Ghana. Pity.

Ghanafuo, clearly, we are heading towards  becoming a banana republic, and reeling from the egregious-consequences, of experiencing rule-by-clever-idiots. Hmmm, Oman Ghana - enti y3wieye paaaa enei? Asem kesie, bi, ebeba debi ankasa, oooo.  Yooooooo...

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

A quick note to the editorial team - on the matter of permanent unfettered-access to my column's editing page


Unfortunately for me, not only am I nearly totally-sight-impaired, but I also happen to be a  passionate writer entering his seventh decade, in this plane, who, alas, suffers from the digital-tragedy of not being tech-savvy - because that side of my brain is retarded. Hmmm, ey3nsem piiiiii, oooo...

In light of both those two delibitating-impairments, may I humbly suggest a fair-compromise, which will enable me to continue publishing my work on your well-respected platform  -  failing which, I will, sadly, be forced to end our mutually-rewarding-relationship, permanently?

I hate the predilection, and, tendency, for so many in our country to settle for  third-rate-fare in many aspects of our national life, and in our daily  societal-interactions - leading to dramatically-lowered-standards, which hitherto had  been high and world-class.

Unfortunately, what is supposed to be the metaphorical fourth arm of government,in our troubled democracy, which is now in a deep-crisis, as a result of rule-by-clever-idiots, even the media, has not been spared from the miasma-of-incompetence that has enveloped Ghana, and stretches right across the entirerity of the  media landscape of our dear nation.

Gentlemen, I, Kofi Thompson, refuse to be infected by that miasma-of-incompetence: and thus demand to be given permanent access to my column's editing page, by - and in a manner that makes it possible for even an old uneducated-fool like me, to review and edit  all my work.

In return, I give you my word of honour that nothing written by me, will ever be  directly published by me. I will always send written work to you directly,  to publish.  Surely, one isn't asking for too much? Haaba.

Monday, 3 October 2022

A quick note to Cox Tamakloe - thanking him for remembering Komla Dumour

Greetings, Cox. It has been quite a while since we last touched base. I do hope that all is well with you, and that you are thriving and content, in this beautiful and welcoming nation, with a wise and aspirational African people - now sadly experiencing idiot-rule by greed-filled big-thieves-in-high-places. Hmmm, ey3nsem piiiiii, oooo. But I digress.  

Thank you so much for sharing that salad-days photograph of our dear friend and brother,  Komla. Not easy, koraaa. oooo. Hmmm, life...

When Komla passed away so suddenly,  I was really livid, during the period in which some soul-searching went on, and a stream of questions, to do  with  the  demanded-work-rate expected from him, by his employers, became a topic on current affairs programmes amongst  Africa's more responsible media entities.

What saddens me the most, is that our  mostly clueless-and-useless media in Ghana, allowed the BBC to get away with this classic case of the consequences of the impacts of systemic-prejudice, which made poor Komla to work a punishing-schedule, which an Eaton and Oxbridge educated white colleague, would never have been subjected to.

With the greatest respect, and in all humility, Komla's kith and kin, really ought to have found a British QC, to fight for a six-figure  compensation package for his wife and kids -the  minimum bottomline-parameter-metric, in my humble view.  Hmmm, ey3nsem piiiiii, oooo, Ghanafuo. Thanks once again for sharing Komla's salad-days-image, on social media platforms, wai - and may he continue resting in the bosom of the Lord God Almighty.

PS. Our man in Guinea Bissau, says they have container loads of top-grade cashew available for sale. Can do? Cool.

A quick note to Ghana's foremost green entrepreneur, Kofi Boakye-Yiadom, currently in faraway Holland - on why idiot-rule is a curse

Favourite nephew,  ahhhh,  so you of all people, expect 'foreign investors' (please read new-colonisers), such as Kinross,  whose Chirano  mine, that explosives-laden truck was delivering explosives to when it collided with an Aboboyaa at Apiate, destroying over 500 houses there, with tragic fatalities and injuries), to face  prosecution in our byzantine system's criminal justice institutions, for criminal negligence that would have definitely followed had it occurred in its corporate HQ-domicile, Canada? This isn't Holland,  oooo, Massa. Dig?

Our ruling-elites favour foreign crooks running unethical businesses here,  which provide them with regular off-ledger cash payments, wai. That is why the victims of Kinross in Apiate have been sacrificed on the Alter-of-elite-greed. Simple.

 My dear friend and kindred-spirit,  the brilliant founder of B-BOVID, Issa Ouedraogo, faces a similar new-colonizer-victimisation, challenge, even as we speak, with powerful, well-connected and influential local professional-enablers  (read Ace Ankomah and his ilk), assisting Banque Edmond de Rothschild Group-backed, and African Development Bank Group-funded, Moringa, to hijack B-BOVID from Issa. Idiot-rule is a curse, paaaa, oooo, wai,  Massa.

Sunday, 2 October 2022

A quick note to the astute and affable founder of Grandma International, Valarie Wood-Gaiger OBE

Ohemaa Paaapabi Valarie, happy that you and your family now have yet another kindred-spirit joining you. That they are a truly happy spiritually-bonded-pair, is obvious and palpable - as is the welcoming and embracing aura that radiates from your whole family. Congratulations all round, wai. Mu y3 bue, ankasa!

Incidentally, it strikes me that Wales and Scotland, could keep their current Monarch as their ceremonial head of state,  when they regain their independence, and then rejoin the European Union,  as fast-tracked 'new' members.

Just think of the jobs galore that would follow in the wake of such a development - as a host of UK companies, stymied by lost markets, after Brexit, move their legal-domicile to Scotland and Wales, to be in positions of regained-possibilities for sustained-growth-and-expansion, again. Mouth watering, ankasa, oooo. Cool.

In that light, would it  not be a happy-ending,  and hopeful-new-begining, for both  those generous-hearted  Celtic nations, and, an unexpected saving-grace-solution, for England, and Northern Ireland, anaaa, I ask, Ohemaa Paaapabi Valarie Wood-Gaiger OBE? No? Cool.

All those participating in the ongoing brutal gang-rape of Mother Ghana must beware

Ghanaians are a wise and aspirational African people. We also believe in the longterm benefits of peaceful coexistence amongst neighbours, in all our communities across our beautiful and welcoming African nation. Those who take us for fools, just  because we are long-suffering, lack wisdom, for we are not fools, at all, koraaa, oooo. Yooooooo...

In that light, we will, in the fullness of time, exact retribution  from all those who have enabled our priceless natural capital to be destroyed, by powerful and influential individuals, in the current government. Full stop. Case closed. Yooooooo...

Every public sector employee, who, in exchange for cash-filled fat brown envelopes, broke laid down regulatory procedures, and  colluded with greed-filled clever-criminals,  who went into politics,  only in order to protect themselves, from being forced to pay for their many crimes agsinst Mother Ghana, such as Bernard Antwi-Boasiako, will not  be spared. Let there be absolutely no doubt, at all,  about that,  koraaa, ooooo,  Ghanafuo. Those participating in the ongoing  brutal gang-rape of a defenceless Mother Ghana, must beware, oooo.  Yoooooooo...

Saturday, 1 October 2022

President Akufo-Addo must sit up and actually take charge of the nation whose elected leader he is

Ghanafuo, a military coup can never be the solution to our hydra-headed nation-building challenges, ooooo. Yooooooo. That is why no truly patriotic citizen of Nkrumah's Ghana, must support any intervention by the military and police, in our homeland Ghana. Ever. Full stop.

With the greatest respect, on his part, President Akufo-Addo, too,  must now wake up, and actually take charge of the nation (a majority of whose voters - including moi - trusted him enough to re-elect him to a second term, in the historic skirt-and-blouse election of December 2020), he was selected to lead in that particular eye-opening presidential election, ooooo. Yoooooooo...

The free-ride he has personally gotten from some of us is over. Haaba: Enti, y3wieye paaaa enei? No. No. No. We, the  common-good one-nation Akyem nationslists, for  whom no tribe in Nkrumah's Ghana, is superior or inferior to another,  are totally fed up to the back teeth, with the  idiot-rule we are now experiencing. There can be no excuse for it. Period.  Idiot-rule cannot,  and must not,  go on any longer. Full stop. Enough, really, is enough, ooooo. Yooooooo...

Friday, 30 September 2022

Food for thought for ESG-believers-worldwide

Dear critical-reader, do please ponder over this: Why  are Moringa - those incompetent,  racist-greenwashing-carpetbaggers, from France - fighting an orphan-made-good, from the bountiful and still very beautiful Western Region,  of Ghana, Issa Ouedraogo (who chose to invest nearly US $1 million of his own hard-earned savings, put aside while working abroad, in his native Ghana, in a very, very successful organic agrisector social impact business, B-BOVID, with an economically-empowered oil palm smallholder farmer-stakeholder value chain)?  


Interestingly, Moringa, happen to be  backed with investment funds, provided by  an entity, which is owned by the wealthiest family, on the surface of the planet Earth, in the shape of  Banque Edmond de Rothschild Group, a Rothschild family concern.

Gathered-incontrovertible-evidence, in one's possession, offer evidential proof beyond all doubt, that Moringa are desperately trying to purloin the brilliant Issa's B-BOVID, by scandalous-subterfuge, through  serial-falsehoods, for example,  in its formal  communications with  Ghanaian officialdom, and, worst of all, by the egregious-manipulation of Ghana's byzantine system's criminal justice institutions. Amazing. Unpardonable. Abominable. Unspeakable.


Sadly, Moringa are being aided, and abetted, in that   shameful enterprise,  by greed-filled local professional-enablers, such as the well-connected and very, very  influential Ace Ankomahs, who, alas, only think and dream about sending their personal net worth, to stratospheric heights, when it comes to dealing with the world's wealthiest families, such as the Rothschilds. Hmmm, ey3nsem, piiiiii, oooo, Ghanafuo.

The question, and food for thought, for ESG-believers-worldwide to ponder over is: Surely, genuine social impact investors ensure that good governance principles, especially a solid commitment, to the common-good-concept, of duty-of-care, bedrocks their operations, globally, no matter how corrupt the systems of the societies in which they partner local entrepreneurs are? Hmmm, eyeasem, oooo: Enti Oman Ghana y3wieye paaaa enei? Asem kesie bi ebeba debi ankasa oooo. Yooooooo...

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Issa Ouedraogo: With the exception of Hon. Francis-Xavier Kojo Sosu MP (MADINA Constituency), do not trust any lawyer in today's Ghana, oooo

Yewura Issa Ouedraogo, I am praying (ceaselessly), that you will not listen to those recommending, in effect, that you fold your hands in your lap, and  lie prostrate, to allow those ruthless  French crooks, running Moringa, in Ghana, to exploit our byzantine system's criminal justice institutions, to purloin your life's work,  and, legacy, from you, ooooo. Yoooooooo...

That voice-recording, which you played to me, earlier today, is a classic example of the legal fraternity's equivalent, of the hand-signalling, of Masonic Orders, oooo, Massa:

It is totally  incomprehensible, to outsider-non-members, but perfectly clear to well-connected-insiders, wai. Obviously, you are being sold down the river, so to speak - being led, willingly, by the noose, into the Kweku-Ananse-web-of-deceit, being spun by the Ace Ankomahs for Moringa

Massa, are they not the selfsame expensive-to-acquire professional-enablers, who have benefited so mightily (over the years till date), from the deliberately-complex-insider-dealings of today's big-thieves-in-high-places - who now control our system, in ruthless fashion: and are  busy reaping zillions from where they have not sown?

Ask yourself who are those designing the packaged-legal-frameworks, to hide the off-ledger lobbying-zillions, being spent by those importing toxic agricultural inputs, for example, into  our country, to lobby our MPs,  political parties  (across the spectrum),   as well as to keep their Jubilee-House-puppets' well-feathered-nests, well-laddered, with ultra-right wing-and-prayer-easy-pickings. Haaba.

With the greatest respect, at this stage,  the only lawyer you must trust (who represents clients in disputes being adjudicated in our byzantine system's criminal justice institutions) is Lawyer Francis-Xavier Kojo Sosu, MP (MADINA Constituency). Full stop.

Above all, it is only in the US system, too, that you will soundly defeat Moringa, wai. Luckily, the covert-stealth-powers, and baleful influence,  of the acursed Ace Ankomahs, do not extend there, koraaa (thank goodness! ), wai, Massa. Massa, do not trust any lawyer in the Ghana of today, oooo. Case closed. Yoooooooo...

A quick note to Daprof Herbal Clinic founder Dr. Dennis: Kweku Frimpong 3di asem kesiyi3 bi abaaa

You are a wonderful and diligent scientist, aampa,  oooo, Your Imperial Majesty. I will go back to the brilliant and humble young medical doctor, who examined me, at the relatively well-resourced St. Gregory Catholic Hospital, in the Gomoa Buduburam Camp Liberia refugee settlement area, with the results of my last medical check-up, at your world-class herbal medicine research centre's clinical branch at Nima, and show the results to him, to compare to the one he ordered for me yesterday.

I was incredulous when he told me there was a trace of typhoid in my urine sample. It is virtually in epidemic proportions in Gomoa Buduburam and its environs. Now I know that it wasn't that my life, in the twilight of my alloted time on this plane, isn't ebbing away slowly. Ditto that I must stop being the hard-man whom no illness can stop from  daily-extreme-physical-labour. What a relief. Hmmm, ey3nsem piiiiii, oooo...

The culprit must be the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL), which allows incredibly dirty water to flow through its distribution pipeline network here, on a regular basis, and has the audacity to charge for it,  too, on top of that unjustifiable,  unpardonable and egregious public-health-threat.

Your Imperial Majesty,  it is a totally unacceptable example, of the lack of corporate duty-of-care, which arises from the plague of absence-of-professional-pride, now slowly destroying virtually all our state institutions, fili-fili, waa, waa, waa. Eiiii, Oman Ghana - enti y3wieye paaaa enei?

They will pay for it, for sure: We will arise against them, in a coordinated social media campaign,damming them, for what is a clear-cut  crime-against-humanity case  -  for their egregious-criminal-negligence: evidenced by the regular flushed-filth flowing through the GWCL's distribution pipeline network, here, which it then shamelessly charges a hapless cowed-populace, reeling from an inflationary economic climate,  and its resultant cost-of-living crisis. Your Imperial Majesty:  Kweku Frimpong edi asem kesiy3 bi, aba, ooooo. Yoooooooo...

Wednesday, 28 September 2022

The Intercept: Peter Thiel’s blueprint to retaliate against journalists

Peter Thiel’s blueprint to retaliate against journalists

27 Sept at 21:43

Who will be the next billionaire that sues a media outlet out of existence?

After the website Gawker published a series of articles critical of Silicon Valley billionaire and right-wing megadonor Peter Thiel, he began funding a series of lawsuits aimed at shutting them down. He ultimately spent a total of $10 million — and in 2016, the website, unable to pay the verdict against them, shut down.

This episode wasn’t an isolated incident but a blueprint for how deep-pocketed individuals and corporations can retaliate against journalists.

And sadly, The Intercept isn’t immune: Last year, we were sued by a billionaire defense contractor claiming defamation.

Our legal defense in that case alone has cost $200,000. We stand by our reporting, but what’s at stake in these lawsuits is much deeper: the freedom of the press to investigate the wealthiest and most powerful interests in the world.

But The Intercept’s reporters have never shied away from an important story. Our legal team has been called upon time and again to defend our journalism, fight for the release of public records, and more. We are scrupulous about getting the facts right, and we refuse to be intimidated or silenced.

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Since Thiel began his campaign against Gawker, the wealthy and powerful have only become more aggressive in their efforts to silence the press through litigation.

Mother Jones fought off a defamation lawsuit from a billionaire Republican donor after reporting on his company’s super PAC contributions and his local political activities. The court ruled in favor of Mother Jones on all counts — but only after two years and millions in legal fees, costs that could have crushed a smaller publication.

Fox News heir Lachlan Murdoch is currently suing a small Australian news site for describing the Murdoch family as “unindicted co-conspirators” in the January 6 insurrection.

He’s using that country’s lack of free speech protections to punish journalists while Fox defends its own hosts’ lies on First Amendment grounds in America.

And last year, Supreme Court justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch said the court should hear a challenge to the landmark free speech precedent that sets a high bar for libel lawsuits. Without that protection, countless important stories might never see the light of day.

The Intercept exists to expose injustice and take on the powerful — no matter what they throw at us.

But our opponents have the time and resources to fight to the last drop, from our ongoing defamation case to the grueling public records litigation we rely on to bring corporate and government secrets to light.

Meanwhile, the donations we rely on to fund our nonprofit journalism have declined this summer.

Will you make a donation today to support The Intercept’s journalists and legal team?


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