Friday, 25 November 2022

A quick note to Vagdam's heroic Nitin Patel - On International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the beginning of 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based violence campaign

My dear Nitin,

This new opportunity for  Vagdam, through Nigel Guy Stonham's LearningStreet empowerment platform, has nothing to do with luck, at all. It results from your open-mindedness and refusal to allow stereotyping to stop you from interacting with people, regardless of gender,   nationality, skin hue and religious faith, which makes you such a special member of the human race, Nitin.

How else could our friendship, which began evolving as far back as 2008, on the now-defunct online volunteering website,, have been possible, in the first place, I ask?

Cross border wars and violent internal civil strife,  afflicting societies globally, will become tragedies-of-the-past, when people blessed with the virtues that guide you, in your daily interactions with others,  become the preponderant guiding-principles, for effective  servant-leadership, in societies worldwide.

Finally, as today is 25th November, the day set aside as International Day for the Elimination of  Violence against Women, and the beginning of the 16 days of Activism against Gender- Based Violence campaign, let us spare  a thought for women in all the seven continents of our imperilled biosphere - humankind's only home - who are victims of violence: and hope that their individual circumstances will improve dramatically, somehow, as a result of the work of activists worldwide, who daily fight their cause.

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