Saturday 20 August 2022

If we don't replace state-capture leadership with honest servant-leadership, the ticking social time bomb will explode

 “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”

                                  — Aesop.

If we don't insist on replacing state-capture leadership with honest servant-leadership we will eventually end up like Sri Lanka. For sure. No democtratic nation can continue to remain peaceful and stable, if the vast majority of its ruling-elites see public office as a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity, to amass great wealth - firm in the dangerous-delusional-belief that such betrayal can continue forever, without any retribution from the masses, ever.

Ghana is a civilised nation, so blessed with natural resources, and a higly intelligent, tolerant, welcoming and hardworking aspirational-population, that it should never be poor. It is scandalous that over six decades after ridding our country of its British occupiers, in 1957, we have now ended up as a debt-distressed nation that might default on interest payments, to creditors, because our country's massive debt mountain has now reached stratospheric heights.

It is totally unacceptable that in the midst of plentiful natural resources, millions still remain marginalised. Meanwhile, a powerful and greedy few, elected to transform society (by successfully lifting base-of-the-pyramid demographics, out of the brutish-hellish-trap of extreme poverty, through the creation of empowering initiatives that enable the poor to bootstrap their own way to financial independence), abuse their positions in egregious fashion. Disgraceful. Monstrous. Unspeakable. Unpardonable. Abominable.

If our criminal justice system is still punishing those who steal pitifully small amounts, in value, of foodstuffs, mostly because they are starving, and without jobs, by jailing them in droves, then, henceforth, it must also begin to investigate, prosecute and jail the big-thieves-in-high-places, and their regime-crony-collaborators, who have pocketed trillions of cedis, in state-capture deal, after state-capture deal, at Mother Ghana's expense. If that doesn't happen, the ticking social-time-bomb, will explode with devastating consequences. Enough is enough, oooo. Yoooooo...

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