Wednesday 7 September 2022

Wake up middle-class America: MAGA is a scam

One is amazed that millions of good and decent-minded, hard-working middle-class Americans, still don't see the existential-threat posed by Trump, to American democracy - and the assurance of continuing to live in a land of freedom, which that system of government assures: when the ordinary citizens of even the world's worst banana republic, would have cottoned on, by now, that Trump (beholden to Russia's security agencies because they have dirt on him to sink him permanently, politically), stole and hid top-secret US secret documents, in his Florida Mar-a-Lago estate, which would have still made him Putin's useful-idiot, even though out of power.

The man was a Russian agent in the Oval Office, for heaven's sake. Wake up, America: a nation that is still the world's greatest power, ever, and most certainly not in need of a narcissistic, tax-dodging pathological-liar and conman, to make - irony of ironies - what is a mighty and already-great-nation, great again. Talk about nonsensical-ubsurdity.

With the greatest respect, MAGA is a scam. It is a political vehicle meant to enable Trump impose a fascist dictatorship, on America, with him as its Emperor-With-No-Clothes-on, and Supreme-Commander-in-Chief, who is above the law, and whose every  nonsensical-word-and-tweet,  is the law. Simple.

Finally, with greatest respect,  in a nation in which the vast majority of the white population are either the descendants of the first wave of white immigrants,  or themselves first generation immigrants, what is more woke-cancel-culture, than weaponising immigration, as a political strategy, to garner votes votes?

Furthermore, is it not the indigenous peoples of North America, who should be weaponising immigration - but very sensibly aren't: as a result of their respect for other humans  and mind-blowing tolerant natures?   Enough is enough. Wake up middle-class America: MAGA is a scam. Full stop. Case closed. Haaba!

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