Friday, 25 November 2022

A quick note to Vagdam's heroic Nitin Patel - On International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the beginning of 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based violence campaign

My dear Nitin,

This new opportunity for  Vagdam, through Nigel Guy Stonham's LearningStreet empowerment platform, has nothing to do with luck, at all. It results from your open-mindedness and refusal to allow stereotyping to stop you from interacting with people, regardless of gender,   nationality, skin hue and religious faith, which makes you such a special member of the human race, Nitin.

How else could our friendship, which began evolving as far back as 2008, on the now-defunct online volunteering website,, have been possible, in the first place, I ask?

Cross border wars and violent internal civil strife,  afflicting societies globally, will become tragedies-of-the-past, when people blessed with the virtues that guide you, in your daily interactions with others,  become the preponderant guiding-principles, for effective  servant-leadership, in societies worldwide.

Finally, as today is 25th November, the day set aside as International Day for the Elimination of  Violence against Women, and the beginning of the 16 days of Activism against Gender- Based Violence campaign, let us spare  a thought for women in all the seven continents of our imperilled biosphere - humankind's only home - who are victims of violence: and hope that their individual circumstances will improve dramatically, somehow, as a result of the work of activists worldwide, who daily fight their cause.

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Should a wise and aspirational African people like Ghanaians press their leaders to make cybercrime punishable by mandatory death sentences?

So seriously-damaging, is cybercrime, in a world now virtually  dependent on digitisation for value-creation that we must make it a crime punishable by mandatory life sentences, without the possibility of parole for all categories of offenders, regardless of age.

If any one doubts the importance of digitisation in value-creation,  let him or her go the offices of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG),  and see the frustration of customers (who hitherto had been paying their bills from the comfort of their homes, offices and other remote locations, for example, using money stored in digital wallets on their smartphones), who have had to travel to those ECG offices to wait in longish-queues, to pay their bills.

The question to ponder over, dear critical-reader,  is: Would you invest in a company whose leadership had allowed  a situation in which a key revenue-assuarance  digital-payment-platform, had collapsed, to persist for so long, anaaa?  Haaba.

There are certain heinious crimes, such as treason, killing security agency personnel on duty carrying out national assignments and cybercrime,  for example, which our complacent and hard-of-hearing ruling-elites need to overcome their unwillingness to sanction the carrying out of death sentences, for, oooo, Ghanafuo. Yoooooo...

Mandatory death sentences, which is what all cyber criminals  deserve for their egregious nation-wrecking activities (in one's humble view), are a must:  because when they begin being carried out in vigorous-fashion, they  will swiftly end the prevalent view amongst cybercriminals from across West Africa,  that Ghana is soft-touch-haven for them. Simple. Case closed. Cool.

Sunday, 20 November 2022

A quick note to Wilmot Dweh - a Gomoa Buduburam Camp Liberia media professional working to create a new green economic-pillar for Liberia

Good morning, Wilmot. It was nice seeing you again yesterday. I am praying that you and your Camp Liberia colleagues, who are attempting to set up a local branch of the  Congress for  Democratic Change (CDC), the ruling party in Liberia, here in Ghana, will be succesful in doing so.

Above all, one hopes that the idea that your branch of the CDC's contribution to the transformation of Liberia into a prosperous and equitable society, will be to help make the commercialisation of ecocoboard production, a new ESG-bedrocked green economic-pillar for Liberia, which will create wealth that remains locally, and generate  jobs galore: with a value-chain whose smallholder farmer-stakeholders are empowered to bootstrap their way to financial independence, through agroforestry.

As I intimated to you, on my part, as my humble contribution to ensuring your success, I am happy to place my personal network of global contacts at the disposal of you and your colleagues. My doors are also open to you whenever you want to meet with me.

Finally, do remember that is vital that your Gomoa Buduburam Camp Liberia refugee settlement area branch of the CDC, when it is established formally, collaborates with the Liberia Netherlands Business and Cultural Council (LNBCC) - as it is through them that the Dutch private sector partners needed to ensure funding for any successful ecocoboard production commercialisation-project-execution, across Liberia's coastline counties, will come on board, to create this much-needed new green economic-pillar for the good people of Liberia. I wish you all well in that noble endeavour. Peace and blessings to all you!

Thursday, 17 November 2022

A quick note to Ohemaa Paaapabi Bertha Adu - explaining the import of a viral video recommending local lending markets instead foreign funding sources

Ohemaa Paaapabi Bertha Adu,  in short, what the gentleman in that viral video says,  is that in a COP-underpinned-era, in which lack of commitment to ESG-principles, can affect a nation's credit rating, negatively, it is much better for Ghana to rely on alternative sources of funding for projects, instead of foreign sources of funding projects.

Let moi give you an explanation in simple terms: For example,  if Issa Ouedraogo had taken his unique and highly successful  agrisector social-impact business, B-BOVID, to the Alternative Exchange of the Ghana Stock Exchange (GES), to raise capital for expansion, instead of accepting an approach from so-called foreign investors, Moringa, who turned out to be crooks fraudulently cloaking their unethical enterprise as a social impact agroforestry investor, to enable them use Ghana as a conduit for gargantuan-money-laundering, today, he wouldn't be fighting them to reclaim his life's work,  and legacy.

So, in short, Ohemaa Paaapabi Bertha, he is recommending that Ghana  looks to internal sources of funding  (such as our capital markets, including the Ghana Stock Exchange,  and the insurance sector, for example),  to the Ghana  government, if it needs  to borrow longterm funding for development projects, instead of using its awoof-route-of-choice: money from canny Chinese banks,  Eurobonds and the like -from which powerful and well-connected state-capture rent-seekers, make a killing, in small-percentage-commissions.

Unfortunately for  Ghanaians, issues, such as the opacity of public procurement contracts, big-fat-brown-envelope-lobbying that gives stakes in businesses set up by foreign crooks out to rip-off Mother Ghana, to the big-thieves-in-high-places who dominate our system, and are destroying our natural heritage to mine gold with total impunity,  contravene  the now fashionable required-commitment to  ESG principles  (profit, people and planet, basically), which, in today's COP-underpinned era for humankind's progress,  affect out national economy's  outlook, in the arcane-calculations of the all-powerful rating agencies, such as Moodys. Hope that all the above helps, somewhat, in giving you a much clearer big-picture of the import of that viral video  - although it comes from an ignoramus and uneducated old fool: moi, Kofi Thompson. Cool.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

A quick note to Issa Ouedraogo - on exposing Moringa's egregious corporate-criminality

Good morning, kindred-spirit. Another day,  and yet another opportunity to make a difference.  It shall be well, in the fullness of time. Onyame entis3,  Alata ni,oooo, wai, Massa.

Today, let's focus on getting both your delivered-speeches ready, by mid-day, wai, Massa.

The idea is to use both events, as  opportunities empowering you to advocate for  Ghanaian farming to transition to ESG-bedrocked 100% organic farming  -  for you, a demonstrably easily achievable on-the-ground  practical-goal: if your unique, profitable and highly succesful  social-impact B-BOVID Farms Ltd's profit-sharing agrisector business model is replicated nationwide.

The radical thing to do, in terms of using both events to  expose Moringa and their super-expensive-to-acquire  Danduruwaka-lawyers, is simply to incorporate  your email response to Nanai Ace Ankomah's email to the chairperson of the Ghana Arbitration Centre panel constituted to hear the matter,  as the evidential-summation of the systemic-challenges you are currently grappling with fighting the racist greenwashing-carpetbaggers from France - who are here to engage in money-laundering, using earmarked agroforestry funds for Africa, to cloak their  mammoth-sized money-laundering scheme.

Make the point, forcefully, that it is an allegation you intend to prove in the law courts, backed by gathered-incontrovertible-evidence of Moringa's egregious corporate-criminalty -  and that you will do the exposure of Moringa's corporate-skullduggery, not before an arbitration panel that does not consider such corporate-criminalty, but in the appropriate fora for adjudicating issues of corporate criminality, in our system: the law courts.

Ditto that you are doing so because they are important food security issues which the authorities in Ghana  must ensure never occur again  -   if your proven and highly successful climate-smart agrisector social-impact business model, is to flourish: as a private sector  well-funded,  truly-transformational and fit-for-purpose 100% ESG-underpinned climate-resilient green economic-pillar, creating wealth that remains locally, and generating fulfilling-jobs galore, across a renewed and prosperous  rural Ghana, full of happy active-citizens, contributing their quota to the all-important  nation-building task we all face in a turbulent world in transition. Cool.

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Please don't tag me into your Facebook page posts

One regrets to announce that henceforth, one will no longer share tagged Facebook  posts, on one's widely-read Facebook page, till further notice. Full stop. Hmmm, ey3nsem piiiiii, oooo, Ghanafuo...

Please note that as matters now stand,  for online-existential-reasons, and longterm-brand-resiliency pėurposes,  it matters not a whit to moi, who you are, or what your tagged  post  is about  -  just don't tag me,  wai. Full stop. Di wu lane  mu, wai, Massa. Period.

Since the geniuses into whose grubby hands our Motherland, Ghana,  has fallen, suddenly woke up to the threat to their egregious-dissimulation, posed online, by idiots like Kofi Thompson, on social media platforms, I have suddenly experienced a spike in  complaints to Facebook (as many as five now)  that "according to independent fact-checkers", I have shared false news  -  all of them genuine and innocent tagged-posts I shared, only because I wanted to publicise good causes. I have had enough.  I am human after all.  Haaba.

The question that a wise and aspirational African people like Ghanaians ought to ponder over is: Who are these faceles Kafkaesque "independent fact-checkers", who are now creating the online building-blocks for tomorrow's  tyranny,  in Ghana, koraaaa? Hmmm, eyeasem, ooooo...

That said, let the word go out loud and clear: Kofi Thompson will not be cowed. No. No. No. Case closed. One simply refuses to allow the hirelings of Ghana's  greed-filled  big-thieves-in-high-places,  to get yet more  opportunities, to negatively impact the global-reach, and influence-footprint, of one's widely-read social media platform pages, including one's Facebook pages.  Full stop.

So, dear critical-readers,   neither send any friend requests to moi, nor tag moi into your Facebook page posts, for now, ooooo, wai -  at least not until the metaphorical muddied-waters are clearer,  to moi.  Obiara endi ni lane mu, wai,  Massa. Kofi Thompson too knows how to read tea leaves, paaaa, oooo, wai, Massa. Sarjewah.   Cool.