Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Hmmm, Oman Ghana - 3y3 tweaaaa anaaaaa?

Hmmm, Oman Ghana - 3y3 tweaaaa, anaaa? The mammoth-sized-scale, of the kickback-funding-effort, mustered by the state-capture rent-seeking fatcats, who now dominate Anansesemkrom's byzantine system, from the shadows, has been dramatically exposed, in vivid-fashion, to the astonishment of its hapless put-on citizenry.

Clearly, Anansesemkrom's greed-filled and hard-of-hearing ruling elites, have been bought, in lock-stock-barrel-fashion, to facilitate the creation of  what has undoubtedly become the world's most corrupt kleptocracy.

In effect, it is now an amoral plutocracy, masquerading as a constitutional democracy, effectively run, in reality, from behind the scenes - by  shadowy, canny super-wealthy criminal-types, for their sole benefit, at Anansesemkrom society's expense: to enable them send their net worth to stratospheric heights, lol. Hmmm,  Oman Ghana - tweaaaaa...

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