Tuesday 26 December 2017

Only The Media Can Save Mother Ghana From Being Bled Dry By The Powerful And Super-Wealthy Crooks Responsible For High-Level Corruption

It must be pretty obvious by now to most fair-minded and apolitical Ghanaians that even if President Akufo-Addo is personally incorruptible, the need to finance the party he leads, the New Patriotic Party (NPP), will breed high-level corruption as sure as day follows night.

It is also a fact of life that Ghana will never experience rule-by-saints (because saints live in heaven not on the planet Earth), regardless of which political party is in power.

In light of that, clearly, the only way to protect Mother Ghana - from the public-sector crooks-in-high-places who collude with the national economy's private-sector's rogue high net worth individuals to exploit our system from the shadows, for their mutual benefit at Ghanaian society's expense - is for the more responsible sections of the Ghanaian media to work together to force our nation's political class to pass the Right to Information Bill in 2018, to empower patriotic journalists to play their watchdog role more effectively.

The question we must perforce ponder over is: Who would have thought that at a time when terrorist groups are active in parts of West Africa such as Mali and Nigeria, even the personal security of Ghana's president would be disregarded - by those seeking to raise money to fund the ruling party when the opportunity to do so arose at the Millennium Excellence Foundation's Expatriate Awards dinner - in such egregious fashion? Ebeeii.

What if a terrorist group had paid money to get a suicide bomber to sit close to President Akufo-Addo at the said Millenium Excellence Foundation's  awards dinner? Haaba.

What Ghana needs today - more than at any time in its post-independence history thus far - is for a crop of patriotic, dedicated and honest young media professionals whose work is underpinned by ethical journalism practice at all material times, to take a leaf from the book of the media coalition that  has made it possible for the government to boldly confront the galamsey menace robbing future generations of their fair share of Ghana's natural capital.

They too must form a media coalition -  to expose the powerful and greedy individuals in both our country's public and private sectors, who are wrecking Ghana's future by fueling high-level corruption: and pressurise President Akufo-Addo to ensure that every member of his administration who is accused of corruption is investigated, prosecuted (if a prima facia case against him or her is established, that is), and jailed to serve as a deterrent to other appointees who might be similarly tempted to enrich themselves by engaging in high-level corruption.

Only the Ghanaian media can save Mother Ghana from being killed by the powerful and super-wealthy crooks responsible for the high-level corruption bleeding her dry. We rest our case. Hmm, Oman Ghana - eyeasem o: asem kesie ebeba debi ankasa.

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