Friday, 3 July 2020

A Quick Note To Hon. Baah - Of The Facebook Group: Friends Of Bryan Acheampong

Dear Hon. Baah,

Let me begin by pointing it out to you, that President Akufo-Addo (God Almighty  bless and protect him from his own treacherous crowd of party-insiders),  admonished Ghanaians - who are already citizens, please note - to be active citizens,  not spectators.  

In one's humble view, it is important that Ghanaians get that inspirational-phrase right -  for there actually is a world of difference, between being 'citizens not spectators' and being 'active citizens,  not spectators ', wai, Massa. Haaba. We must learn to write and speak English properly in a globalised world - if we are to be competitive in the Ghana beyond aid, which we are all working towards. Hopefully. But I digress.

It is one's prayer -  as a patriotic citizen,  who loves Mother Ghana passionately - that the gung-ho Bryan Acheampongs that you lot fawn over,  will come to understand,  clearly, before it is too late,  that the vital job of ensuring the safety of our Republic, is a professional one, for principled individuals, who understand  that the national interest, not party advantage, is what will always  secure our nation and ensure its stability. Yooooo...

Packing our secret services with myrmidon-thugs, from the  private militias,  of ruthless party hardliners, is one of the most egregious and unfortunate acts of disloyalty, by any elected   politician,  to his or her nation, when appointed by the President. Truth be told,  it is undermining our nation's security, terribly, sadly. Pity.

Is it any surprise, therfore, Hon. Baah,  that what was a massive intelligence failure, the recent  demolition of a property belonging to the Nigerian High Commission, happened under the noses of those appointed, in good faith, by Prssident Akufo-Addo, to ministerial positions, supposedly empowering them to prevent such relationship-destroying negative-events (with the potential to permanently  damage our relationship, with a key West African ally), from ever occuring?

Massa, the time has now come for someone, in this nation full of hypocrites and sycophants, to tell Bryan Acheampong (who might,  or might not be, an American agent, in the heart of our national security apparatus),  to the face, that he needs to sit up, and do the job that hapless  taxpayers pay him so handsomely, to do, daily, professionally. Haaba.


Yours in the service of Mother Ghana, 


Sent from Samsung tablet.

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