Monday, 13 July 2020

A Quick Note To My Texas Sister-In-Christ, Brenda Thonsgaard Odhiambo - Now Grieving For The Loss Of Her Colleague, Mike Ray

May the soul of your retired college teaching colleague, Mike Ray,  who just passed away,  rest in peace, sister-in-Christ. Yes, it is so hard when someone special leaves us. I still miss my late dear wife, the brilliant and gifted dress designer,  Christiana Amihere,  terribly, too, for example.

Alas, not a day passes without me regretting her loss - and mulling over the many things that I want to say to her, to show my appreciation of her patience: and her amazing capacity to calm me down, whenever someone raised my ire, which I never got round to saying to her, while she was alive, and well.

Sister-in-Christ,  do accept our condolences. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you,  and to Mike's surviving family. A place in heaven surely awaits him - where he will rest in the bosom of the Lord God Almighty.

The reality for all of us - every single human being in our one biosphere, today, as we speak  -  is that we will eventually undertake that final journey out of this world,  too, alas. For sure.

That  is how the human condition - which by definition is a journey-in-transition through many unchartered waters  to the next world - is  programmed to play out by our Maker. We must all endeavour to live lives of equanimity and magnanimity, for that reason.  Wish you well as always, dearest sister-in-Christ. And, do stay safe!

Sent from Samsung tablet.

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