Sunday, 29 January 2023

ECG: Wake up, oooo. Yoooooo...

Yesterday evening, at around 18:40pm GMT, I saw a young man clambering up the electricity pole in front of where I live at the Gomoa Buduburam State Housing estate, with feet-clamps.

I immediately became suspicious, and ventured out to speak to the young chap who seemed to be the leader of the two-man gang.

I then asked him what it was that they were doing - whereupon he proceeded to implicate himself in an illegality that causes massive revenue-leakage to the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), nationwide, and which severely affects its finances, a well as impairs its ability to provide a world-class service for consumers across Ghana.

The young men were apparently from Camp Liberia - part of which I happen to share a fence-wall with.

Like all slums in our country, the demand and supply of a modern-day essential, like electricity, in Camp Liberia, is enveloped in the foggy-miasma, of a thriving black market, which rips off the very poor, ruthlessly. That one can understand.

However, the ECG must ensure that formal settlements like the State Housing estate where one lives in, are monitored strictly, and on a regular basis.

The ECG can begin that new chapter by sending their Central Regional branch's loss control unit to check the lines from the ECG pole outside where one resides, as soon as is practicable. If fire occurs there (God forbid!) because of the activities of bold and hungry young criminals, such as the two aforementioned young men, we will sue the ECG for zillions, oooo. The ECG needs to wake up, oooo, Ghanafuo. Haaba. Yoooooooo...

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