Saturday 21 January 2023

Has America's great GOP gone mad?

For a pro-American African who grew up in the 1960s, during the period when President Kennedy became the youthful new face of America  -  whose idealism produced the Peace Corps. -  it's hard to fathom how thoroughly selfish and dishonest politicians now dominate the greatest nation, ever, in human history.

It is a sign of the times that a rogue like Representative George Santos is a member of the U.S. Congress, when even the citizens of the world's worst banana republic, would have rejected him, because of his egregious  endless-phantasmagorical-fibbing.

Ditto that a cruel and vindictive wannabe-fascist-dictator, who is a ridiculous Russian puppet, pathological-liar-bar-none and con-man-supremo, who strikes what he thinks is a Churchillian-pose for cameras, complete with a scowl, and who wears a toupee, dominates the GOP, so completely. Yet Churchill would never have countenanced  hiding his baldness with a toupee, being a serious person and real. With respect, has America's great GOP gone quite mad? Haaba.

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