Friday 24 February 2023

Might isn't always right - and is doctrine that cannot and must not be tolerated in the case Ukraine

Might isn't always right - and is doctrine that cannot and must not be tolerated in the case Ukraine.

In that light, it is vital that the West understands clearly that defeating Putin, and trying him before the International Criminal Court (ICC), for his unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine, where crimes against humanity have been committed by Russia's military, is vital for deterring other tyrants from invading other sovereign states, and for preserving the international order that has kept the peace in Europe for so long, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Hmmm, ey3bsem piiiii, ooooo.

Ukraine must be strengthened sufficiently enough to help it free the ordinary people of Russia from the grip of a ruthless and murdererous kleptocratic-tyranny, totally dominated by Putin.

Providing Ukraine with fighter jets is crucial towards that end.

Far from escalating the fighting in Ukraine, it will rather eventually lead to a revolt by Russia's military - as sure as day follows night. No question.

The Russian military, facing a Ukraine able to protect its airspace effectively, with advanced fighter jets, will move rapidly to remove Putin - to enable it bring an end to the humiliations it has suffered in Ukraine: where those who prostituted the honour of the Russian military, by ordering them to target civilians, and critical infrastructure, must be made to pay for taking decisions that have dented the image of Russian soldiers, globally, so needlessly.

Right, is right - but might isn't always right, and is doctrine that shouldn't be tolerated in Ukraine, in any case. Simple. Case closed. Cool

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