Sunday 12 February 2023

To males globally: there is nothing manly about violently violating females - it is cowardly and dispicable

The appalling atavistic caveman-notion that battering women, and using violence to dominate them through fear, is manly, needs to be vigorously countered - especially on social media platforms: using the legal equivalent of asymmetric warfare.

One recommends that line of approach to the Romanian authorities, currently  investigating the notorious purveyors of online pornography now in their grip - whose evil influence over millions of young males globally (all primed to humiliate and violate women), is a crime against humanity, no less.

Real men, never violate females. It is cowardly for men to violate women in any shape or form - and men who do so (because they see the women they have relationships with as their properties), ought to be prosecuted and given long prison sentences, wherever in the world they live.

After all, was the infamous American gangster Al Capone not jailed in 1931, for tax evasion, when it wasn't possible to pin any of the many murders he ordered on him, directly?

Martial arts training must be made widely available for females, especially young girls, to enable them to defend themselves when attacked by violent men. Enough is enough. There is nothing manly about physically violating females. It is cowardly and despicable. Full stop. Case closed.

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