Saturday, 10 February 2024

Happy New Year of the Dragon gift to China and all its people at home and abroad

Dear critical-reader, as someone who sincerely believes that China could be persuaded to become a force for good, and help ensure peace and stability globally, that way, here is one's Happy New Year of the Dragon, idea, gifted to China and all her hardworking peoples, around the world:

If China and its people were to gift a free-to-access Chinese Skylink rival, to the world, via a UN Trusteeship vehicle (to guarantee it remains independent from China afterwards in perpetuity), could that not fund most of the United Nations Organisation's (UN) operations, including both  humanitarian and developmental work, worldwide, going forward into the future, one wonders?

Ditto fund micro-enterprises worldwide to empower marginalised demographics to thrive - and stabilise troubled societies globally, and stop them from sliding into chaos and violence, in social explosions? No? Yes? Doable?

In return, would China not reap priceless soft-power rewards, for gifting a free-to-access rival to Skylink, to humanity (and in the process,  pull the proverbial rug from under the sodden tax-evading, offshore domiciled ecocide-causing corporates, owned by arrogant Western state-capture rent-seeking billionaire fascists and racists, enslaving whole nations, lol), till the very end of time?

Furthermore, does it not follow, a prioi, dear critical-reader, that a free-to-access Chinese rival to X Corp's Starlink gifted to humanity for free Internet access for all the world's peoples, will give her tremendous clout with the world's emerging nation ruling-elites, throughout the years of the 4th, 5th and 6th industrial revolutions, in a way that her now mostly-discredited and hugely crippling  emerging nation debt-creating belt-and-road initiative, can ever hope to achieve?

Finally, that said, dear critical-reader, all the above constitute one's gifted humble Chinese Happy New Year of the Dragon, idea, for China, and all its hardworking peoples, both at home and abroad.

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