Monday 27 October 2008


With respect Opanin, I would like to humbly point it out to you, that the British were never our "colonial masters". They were mere occupiers of our country - whom various patriots tried to dislodge from our country, from the very day that the Bond of 1844 was first signed. Period.

They used their forked-tongue to successfully occupy our country, and throughout that time, many brave souls risked their lives to rid our country of those usurpers. You must never forget that, Massa.

It is time educated Ghanaians stopped using that servile phrase, "colonial masters". We are a proud people, who, in the end, despite the treachery of the progeny of some of the pre-colonial feudal ruling elites, succeeded in regaining our independence: against great odds, and in spite of a very crafty colonising-power.

Sadly, some of the progeny of our pre-colonial feudal ruling elites, actively collaborated with the British - in the hope that they could exploit the indirect rule system, which the British adopted as their colonial policy in our part of the world, to enable them replace the British as our rulers.

To that end, they actively collaborated with the British against Nkrumah and his followers: once they discovered that he was not an elitist like they were, and did not share their admiration for the philosophy of the British philosopher, Edmund Burke (who believed, incredibly, that society ought to be governed by a pre-ordained elite - meaning, in our context, the beneficiaries of inherited privilege: our so-called "traditional rulers" and their relations!).

They had always schemed with their backers in the Colonial Office, in London, to continue with (and benefit from), the exploitative indirect rule system - in the hope that when they finally stepped into the shoes of the departing British colonialists (after they had given us our 'independence' on their terms!), they (those super-quislings - the progeny of our pre-colonial feudal ruling elites) would enslave ordinary people till the very end of time!

Massa, please never use that servile phrase again - if you are a proud African imbued with Nkrumaist self-belief, that is. Hmmm, Ghana - eyeasem oo: asem ebaba debi ankasa!

May God bless and protect our homeland Ghana, always. long live freedom! Long live Ghana!

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