Monday 24 November 2008


How frightfully meh! Hmmm, Ghana – eyeasem oo: God give me patience. Massa, you begin by saying: “Boss, permit me to say that you are not making sense.” Unquote. Thank you so much, for the compliment. You, on the other hand, make a great deal of sense to me!

Opanin, with respect, are sure you have actually read my piece? May I humbly suggest that you do so - before you jump to all the wrong conclusions: even if it is written by an ignoramus and a fool like the semi-literate Kofi Thompson? Who in heaven’s name mentioned Rawlings’ name in the context you speak of, Sir? Please leave me out of your obsessions!

Massa, you then go on to say: “We will not get a holy government to govern Ghana. NPP is filled with Ghanaians and we all know that as citizens, our attitude is bad, thus the reason we are not making fast progress.” Unquote.

What an extraordinary thing to say! Why, are you a cynic, too, in addition to all your other virtues? Massa, please speak for yourself – if your “attitude” is “bad”: and if you think that integrity is a concept that applies only to angels in heaven. Heavens above!

Please reread my article – and if I may be permitted (by you: who is so obviously such an erudite scholar and world-class philosopher!), to make a humble suggestion: please do not tread where angles fear to tread, Opanin!

Finally, let me admit freely that I am an ignoramus, a buffoon and an imbecile – to save you the trouble of insulting me: and if that makes you happy. I certainly hope that you are not one of those “My-party-my-tribe-right-or-wrong” myrmidon-types - who wear blinkers permanently and are too thick to think and too blind to see the reality of life in the hellhole, which those who can see and can think, say our country has now become!

God give me patience – and a stout heart, to boot: to bear with world-class cynics.
Hmmm, Ghana – enti yeawiye paa, enia? Asem ebaba debi ankasa! May God bless and protect our homeland Ghana, always. Long live freedom! Long live Ghana!

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