Tuesday 12 May 2009


Dear Sir,

Request for information about the digging of trenches in Accra - and the damage to the pavements caused by that in the city.

I am writing to book an appointment to see you for some information I require. Essentially, I am curious to find out precisely what has necessitated the massive digging of trenches all over Accra – and what steps your department is taking to ensure that those responsible for those trenches replace the pavements they have destroyed, thus far, when their work is finally completed.

Yesterday, whiles driving through Kaneshie on my way to Tesano, I stopped to ask some men who were digging a trench on the left side of the road, as you approach the old Swanlake supermarket (which closed ages ago, incidentally!) from St Theresa’s Catholic school in Kaneshie, who they were working for, and what they were digging the trench for.

I was taken aback by their reaction. They were so cagey and refused to say anything to me about the work they were doing – and referred me to a young man, whom I beckoned to come and speak to me. Incredibly, he told me they were widening the gutter, and that he was only keeping an eye on the work for a friend (as a favour!), but did not know the name of his friend’s construction company. I thought it was a rather odd answer for him to give – and it immediately raised my suspicions.

Surely, which particular contractor is awarded a job to improve part of Accra’s infrastructure, is not an official secret too, is it, Sir? To shed some light on the matter, I would be most grateful if you could let me know if that particular job was put out to tender by the AMA (or whichever organ of state is responsible for awarding contracts for widening gutters in Kaneshie), and what the overall value of the contract was.

I am doing some research for a feature article for my blog. Perhaps if you google the word “ghanapolitics” you will see some of my writing. I am a journalist who maintains his independence by working exclusively online and as a freelance – and for the same patriotic reason, I deliberately shun writing for the local print media, so I can speak my mind freely. I do look forward to a positive response from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Kofi Thompson.

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