Thursday 14 December 2017

Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD)/Jason LaMacchia: Why I'm Here

Dear Reader,

It took a recent board meeting to remind me of why I’m here. As a finance professional, I have always seen that FSD is a good investment, but it is so much more than that. As the chair of FSD’s board of directors, it’s too easy to get caught up in the dollars and cents and think of FSD as just another business. Yet every so often, it’s important to see the forest and the trees.

Just a few days ago, our International Program Officer, Devin, helped me do just that. As he provided his annual overview of our work in the field, I felt as if I were learning about FSD for the very first time.

Foundation for Sustainable Development paves new paths. We train students in real-world development skills in ways few others do. We listen to communities, learn their cultures and most pressing needs, then forge approaches that continue to bring change after our volunteers move on.

    In Nicaragua, women can escape from violent homes because they have the skills, financing and confidence to provide for their children and themselv
    In Bolivia, people are creating household budgets that free them of debt--and for the first time see a path to better live
    In Kenya, men are breaking with tradition and attending HIV prevention talks that will help to ensure a healthier future for people there.

This is the work—and the impact—of FSD. Your family and mine have opportunities most people don’t. We at FSD work to create these opportunities one person, one community, one city at a time. With your help healthy, fulfilling lives will come one day closer for all the people we serve.

Thank you for giving to our annual campaign.

Best wishes in this holiday season,


Jason LaMacchia

Chair, FSD Board of Directors


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