Friday, 26 July 2019

The Ghanaian Media Must Expose Senior Public Officials Frustrating The Work Of The Office of The Special Prosecutor

It would help the fight against high-level  corruption in our country, if younger generation  Ghanaian media professionals,  familiarised  themselves with the processes used by other democracies, to prevent potential conflict of interest situations amongst government ministers, and other high-level public-sector appointees,  from arising.

Top-level public-sector employees currently frustrating Hon. Martin Amidu, for example,  would get short shrift from clued-up media professionals here, if the import of their stonewalling-tactics was properly understood by the general public. They are deliberately impeding President Akufo-Addo's fight against high-level corruption.

It is in that light that all recalcitrant senior public-sector officials, alluded to recently by Hon. Martin Amidu, must be targeted and pressurised by the media to obey our anti-corruption laws. Those who refuse to do so when contacted by the Office of The Special Prosecutor (OTSP) for documentation, production of witnesses, etc., etc., must be swiftly exposed by the more responsible sections of the Ghanaian media. Full stop. Enough is enough. Haaba.

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