Wednesday 17 July 2019

Has The Hounding Of Osabarima Mirikissi Apori Atta Been The Akyem Abuakwa State Council's Finest Hour?

At a time when global climate change is impacting  rural Ghana so negatively, nothing can justify the hounding and victimisation of Osabarima  Mirikissi Apori Atta, the Chief of Akyem Hemang,  by people who ought to know better. His hounding is a classic example of the hypocrisy that underpins our byzantine system.

How is it possible that the elected leaders of a nation that says it is committed  to achieving  all the UN SDGs - and which is led by the co-chair of the  Eminent Persons appointed  by the UN Secretary General to oversee the worldwide implementation  of the UN SDGs, no less - can sit idly by when a Chief who tries so hard to halt the wanton destruction of the natural environment  in Akyem Hemang, is treated so shabbily?

Is it not monstrous and abominable that a brave, honest and principled  Chief, who understands clearly the  harm caused to humans and other life-forms,  by the poisoning of our soils, streams, rivers and groundwater sources with heavy metals and other toxic chemicals, by gold miners - who also engage in illegal logging to finance their ruinous activities - is being victimised and disrespected by the very people who claim to have Akyem Abuakwa's best interests at heart? Haaba.

Osabarima  Mirikissi Apori Atta is the true Ghanaian environmental-activist-traditional-ruler the world must applaud,  not the greenwashing-publicity-loving hypocrite-in-chief and his greed-filled cohorts, who apparently  want him eliminated, so as to end his brave  fight against the brutal gang-rape of Mother Nature, at Akyem Hemang. Pity.

There is no question that when the apocalyptic consequences of what is going on today in Akyem Hemang and other places suffering from the same  egregious environmental destruction across Ghana, become glaring to the world a few decade's hence,  future generations of Akyems and other ordinary  Ghanaians,  will curse all those now abusing the power of the Ghanaian nation-state vested in them, and prostituting the honour of our traditional ruling élites, in such brazen fashion.

That is why most sincere nature-lovers in Ghana stand with the Chief of Hemang and his very brave people. We will not allow him to be sacrificed on the human-blood-soaked-alter-of-unfathomable-greed. No. Okyeman, yen enma ensei da! This has definitely  not been the Akyem Abuakwa State Council's finest hour. On the contrary, this has darkened it's image and dented it's reputation as a body apparently  led by an avowed environmentalist.  Sebe. Sebe. The sods.

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