Saturday, 24 October 2020

A Quick Note To Valarie Wood-Gaiger, OBE - Founder Of Grandma International

Dear Valerie Wood-Gaiger,

You are absolutely right:  tidal power is green, emission-free and cheaper than electricity from nuclear power plants. It is pretty cool - and, as an environmental activist, I am all for it. As it happens, the Volta estuary, at Ada Foah, along Ghana's coastline, is perfect for a tidal power plant, similar to the Welsh one you refer to.

Incidentally,  Rosatom, the Russian nuclear power  company (allegedly one of the most corrupt in the world - according to bush-telegraph sources!), is hoping to build a nuclear power plant, in my native Ghana. Imagine that, Ohemaa Paaaapabi Valarie. Hmmmm, life...

Perhaps the question the more responsible sections of the Ghanaian media, ought to pose, to all those promoting that madness (and, it is madness, in a nation dominated by powerful thieves-in-high-places, and which, notoriously, also lacks a maintenance culture, and, on top of all that negativity; project design  specifications are routinely varied,  in order to make available off-ledger-cash, to pay fat-brown-envelope-kickbacks, to sundry corrupt top  public officials), is: 

How, and where,  will the radioactive waste, from the proposed  nuclear power plant in Ghana, be stored - since it will remain dangerous for thousands of years to come?

Naturally, thunderous-silence will follow from the nuclear power press club of Ghana's well-catered-for-brown-envelope-wise, too-clever-by-half's super-efficient-propagandist-members. Such is life in this beautiful and happy aspirational-nation of ours. Cool.

Wish you  well, as always, delectable Ohemaa Paaapabi Valarie  Wood-Gaiger, OBE. Do continue staying safe!



WhatsApp:+233 576564600.

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