Thursday, 29 October 2020

What Drives Our Homeland Ghana's Ruling-Elites' Endless Borrowing Sprees?

Speaking personally, I am pretty sure that most of our ruling-elites, are all angels, oooo. Does it not fooooo, a priori, then, that it is their sum-sum-doubles (not actually they themselves), who are so busy  gang-raping Mother Ghana and Mother Nature,  in such brutal fashion? Hmmm, eyeasem oooo...

However, be that as it may, alas, there are on-the-ground-realities, about egregious high-level-corruption, in our country, which as decent, principled snd patriotic-concerned-citizens,  we cannot possibly ignore, too, oooo. Yoooooooo...

As aspirational, modern-day-rennaisance Pan-Africanists, perhaps the question we need to ponder over is: Why is it that although Ghana's leaders could fund all our infrastructural expansion, and modernisation projects, entirely, simply by inviting competitive bids, from around the globe, for self-funding-consortia, which are able, and willing,  to self-finance the building of say, railway lines, and tolled concrete motorways,  to connect all our regional capitals, in 35-year public private partnership deals (PPP), in which their profits remain tax-free, and can always be repartriated; do we still insist on endless borrowing, to fund such projects, koraaaaa? Hmmmm, eyeasem, ooooo...

Although I personally think that all the members of our ohhh-ever-so-clever-ruling-elites, are high-minded, noble and incorruptible beings, alas, one cannot rule out  a few in-your-face-possibilities, koraaaa, ooooo, Ghanafuo. Yooooooo...

Amanfuo, much as we wish it weren't so, we cannot rule out the possibility that (and it really  is not beyond the realms of possibilinaf koraaa, oooo), perhaps it is sum-sum-spiritual-greed (swiftly diagnosed by self-seeking crooks-in-white-dog-collars, engaged in profitable fat-brown-envelope PR work), and secret stealth-commissions-cum-kickbacks, earned by large armies of well-connected, and well-heeled-professional-advisors, which drive iur borrowing. 

The question is: Does the need to ensure wealth-creation oppotunities, for  those lucky regime-golden-princelings, whose super-lucrative private consultancies, are said  (by obviously envious bush-telegraph sources), to earn zillions, in hard currency cushy-deals, whenever Ghana goes aborrowing to add to its massive debt mountain!), actually drive our current leaders' passion for rushing to borrow-and-borrow-and-borrow, as if there was no tomorrow? Case closed? Yoooooo...

Sent from Samsung tablet.

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