Sunday, 11 October 2020

Are We Now Living In Incredibly Dangerous Times?

Are we now living, in incredibly dangerous times, one wonders? Clearly, in light of recent events, we are. That is why, for the common good, and, for the well-being of Mother Ghana, Ghanaian parliamentarians ought to be bold - and  ignore the populist nonsense on social media platforms: and take decisive steps, to ensure the security of their families, and themselves. Now. Not tomorrow. Yooooooo..

As a wise and aspirational people, we must not forget that despite their many shortcomings, members of our Parliament  actually play a crucial oversight role, in Ghanaian democracy -  keeping the executive and judiciary on their toes: for the overall common good, and for the  nation's well-being. 

No individual or groups of individuals, should be allowed to intimidate members of our nation's Parliament, under any circumstances, by putting fear into them, about their personal security, and that of their families'. Never. Period. 
I wept when I heard the NPP MP for my old stumping grounds, Nyhieso, Hon. Kennedy Kwasi Kankam, talking about  how once upon a time, armed robbers held his family hostage for over three hours, and spared him, only because they didn't want his lovely offspring,  to  be without a father. Imagine that. That it should come to that, is intolerable. Full stop. Haaba.

For now, one's humble advice to all our MPs, is simply that under no circumstances, should they trust any state security agency, to protect them, effectively. No. No. No. Yooooooo...
For their information, some of the criminal syndicates behind most of Ghana's illegal sandwinning, illegal logging and illegal gold mining, have now morphed into fearless resource-war-lords, oooo. Yoooooo..
Where were our security agencies while that  was happening in broad daylight, in galamsey sites across the Ghanaian countryside, I ask? Yoooooo...
And, why, in the COVID-19 era, are so many foreign youth roaming rural iddylic-places, such as  Akyem Juaso, with metal detectors, hunting for gold-bearing seams-of-rock, without valid entry permits, and residence permits, and engaging in egregious-galamsay-operations? Hmmmm, eyeasem, ooooo...
Massa, try going to Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali, to try the same thing, and you will smell pepper, if you live to do so, in the first place, that is. Having been targeted by terrorists, those nations  don't tolerate loitering-treasure-hunting-foreigners, ooooo, Ghanafuo.  Yoooooo...

And, horror of horrors, there are said to be over some 70, 000 disgruntled ex-Community Police members, of the National Youth Employment (NYE) scheme, trained to handle weapons, and very conversant with the tactics and formations,  of the Ghana Police Service - most with no real prospects of a decent future, to contend with - who are now mostly on their  own. The Devil really does find gruesome-work for idle trigger-happy-hands, ooooo, Ghanafuo. Yooooooo...

That is why, as an emergency measure, MPs must move quickly, to outsource the protection of the Legislature, and all who work in it, to the  best Russian and Israeli private military contractors. Case closed. Yoooooo...
Their home nations could be easily persuaded to pay for the entire costs of their deployment to Ghana, and all their operational costs, as 'bilateral technical assistance' to Ghana, oooo. Yoooooo... 

Alas, Ghana's mostly-discredited  Mickey-Mouse-National-Security-Apparatus, cannot be relied on to protect our MPs. Full stop. Nor can a presidency full of arrogant philandering-narcissistic-folk, help them, either, entir, Ghanafuo.  Case closed. Haaba. Who born dog? Yooooooo...

Futhermore, as a matter of some urgency, let us put aside foolish-pride, and ask  those private militaries from Russia and Israel, to provide a fleet of brand new armoured saloon cars, buses, and 4x4s, for the mobility of all  who work for Ghana's  Parliament. Simple. Yoooooooo...

Their equivalent of the world's best Special Forces, must provide all MPs with personal bodyguards, who will accompany them everywhere. Literally. Ghanafuo, we now live in very dangerous times, ooooo. Most, definitely. Hmmmm, Oman Ghana - eyeasem, oooo. Enti, yeweiye paaaaa, enei, aanaaaaa? Asem kesie, bi, ebeba, debi ankasa, ooooo. Yoooooooo... 

Sent from Samsung tablet.

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