Monday 20 November 2023

Hatred of Jews is amoral and evil - and must never be justified under any circumstances

Dear critical-reader, hatred of Jews is amoral and evil - and must never be justified under any circumstances. That is why now is the perfect time to debunk a dangerous,   outrageous and nonsensical notion, held by so many extremist fascists, and their mostly unhinged white-supremacist fellow-traveller-acolytes, about Jews.

It is beyond belief, that in this day and age,  there are people who actually believe the absurdity that somehow, a nebulous group, apparently made up of unidentifiable super-wealthy Jews, permanently sits somewhere (unknown to the rest of the world), busy coordinating and directing zillions of non-whites, worldwide, and, remotely forcing them, literally, through the ether, to breed like rabbits, so as to become majority populations in the West, and overwhelm their present-day majority white populations, and thereby turn them into national minorities. Amazing.

How can a whole people, Jews, be hated for such outlandish mambo-jambo, dissembling idiotic-nonsense,  I ask, dear critical-reader?

Ditto that  such an abominable sick-notion that that conspiracy theory about Jews, represents, can lead to intense deep-seated hatred of others, to a point that results in the senseless killings of non-whites, by racist fruit-and-nut cases amongst extremist  fascists, in the West, so frequently?

Extremist politicians in Western democracies pushing it, and fanning it, as deployed election campaign power-grab-strategies, must bow their heads in shame. It is pure evil - and vile with it. Nothing more,  nothing less. Enough, really is enough, now. Yooooooo...

Finally, dear critical-reader, it ought to be pointed to the world that in the immediate aftermath of his 'actual truth' debacle, remorseful Elon Musk was right to demand an end to all the online hate, causing devastating-tragedies in families and communities across the globe. Hatred of Jews and other non-white skin-hued-demographics, is amoral and evil. It can never, and must not ever be justified. It is senseless and must cease forthwith. Now. Not tomorrow. Yoooooooo...

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