Wednesday 1 November 2023

Thinking and achieving a Middle Eastern impossibility

Dear critical-reader, has the time not now come to start thinking about the processes that could lead to achieving a Middle Eastern impossibility - a permanently peaceful region?

Humanity must strive to do so, dear critical-reader,  because  the Palestinians and Israelis are both incredibly-gifted peoples, who can be a real  blessing for all of humankind, if they can be helped and incentivised to coexist peacefully, for generations to come.

In light of the untold suffering we are now witnessing, as Israel fights with firm-resolve to root out Hamas terrorists from the Gaza strip, surely, the time has now come for people of goodwill, and good conscience, worldwide, to think the impossible to bring peace to the Middle East region?

For the sake of a permanently peaceful Middle East, could the Arab world not help the Palestinians and Israelis to collaborate, to turn a new Palestinian state (carved out from ceded Sinai Peninsula desertland gifted by Egypt?), into a prosperous, blooming food-basket and cutting-edge tech-hub, which benefits all its societal demographics equitably?

A far better prospect than the gruesome-impacts of collateral damage from the endless cycles-of-violence, thinking and achieving a Middle Eastern impossibility (Palestinians and Israelis coexisting peacefully and collaborating to help transform the entire region into a proserous part of the world), isn't, and, cannot be, an achievable-humanistic-goal that's beyond the realms of possibility. Full stop. Case closed.

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