Friday 24 November 2023

Is there a path to peaceful coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis?

Is there a path to peaceful coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis, dear critical-reader? Clearly, if acts of terrorism by  Hamas against Israel do not cease, peaceful coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis would be well nigh impossible to broker.  

Hamas is totally devoid of conscience hiding its military infrastructure in civilian spaces and using civilians as human shields. Never before in human history, has such total disregard for the laws of warfare protecting civilians, civilian spaces and infrastructure, been seen anywhere,  to the extent witnessed by the world, in the Gaza strip.

That said, the question people of good conscience worldwide ought to ponder over is: How can the world help ensure lasting peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians?

It would certainly do no harm for Israel, and its backers,  to explore a solution based on encouraging Saudi Arabia to  convince Egypt to sell the  Sinai Peninsula to it, so that the Saudis can gift it to  Palestinians to establish a new homeland there, would it?

Once that new homeland is established in the Sinai Peninsula, the Palestinians can, and will, flourish in peace - finally freed from the baggage of past Hamas crimes against humanity.

Surely, dear critical-reader, the region's private sector  entrepreneurs, could be sufficiently incentivised,  to help develop and transform the new Palestinian homeland, into a regional food basket, and high tech hub, to power prosperity  across the entire Middle East region? Is that not a path to peaceful coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis worth exploring?  No?

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