Tuesday 31 October 2017

Medium.com/Jon Westenberg: Get Okay With Who You Are


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Jon Westenberg
Largest Medium Blogger in Australia (over 110k readers), obsessive writer…
Oct 23
Get Okay With Who You Are

My greatest enemy is my own — frequent — inability to accept myself.

That’s hard to admit, but it’s completely true.

My greatest enemy is that I spend far too much time worrying about who and what and why I am, instead of just getting okay with myself, and the life I’m living.

It comes out in jealousy, sometimes.

It comes out in an abandonment of projects and ideas that are meaningful to me. It comes out when I least expect it, and am at my least capable of dealing with it.

Realistically, it probably comes out all the time for you, too. So many of us go through life not being okay with who we are. It’s constant, and it’s a battle.
The reason we quit, isn’t always because we fail!

9 times out of 10, the reason we quit is because we can’t accept who we are and what we’re working on for what it is. We get caught up in all of the self doubt, all of the self deprecation and all of the self persecution that prevents us from accepting that the way we live and work and win is completely okay.

And I think we’re trained to do that. We’re trained our whole lives to compare where we are with where everyone else is. Classmates. Siblings. Competitors. The folks we grew up with, the folks who are starting businesses and building companies and products — almost anyone who presents a benchmark by which to evaluate ourselves.

When we fail that test, even if it’s a test that has zero bearing on the real world, it’s devestating and it sets the stage for failure on a wider scale, because in losing confidence in ourselves, we have almost made a decision to quit. Might not be today. Might not be tomorrow. But it’s coming.
Get okay with who you are, because you’re the one that matters.

You are. Your opinion of yourself is the only opinion that really matters. Because you’re always going to be your strongest, toughest, most vindictively malicious critic, and you’re always going to be the firs to criticise yourself and tear yourself down.

Getting okay with who you are is the first step to achieving anything. I’m not saying you have to accept all of your own flaws blindly and ignore the problematic aspects of your personality.

But you have to accept the good with the bad, and accept the imperfections as being a part of who you are!

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Jon Westenberg
Medium member since May 2017

Largest Medium Blogger in Australia (over 110k readers), obsessive writer…

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