Tuesday 26 March 2019

Dr. Mercola: 9 Nasty Scoundrels That Can Wreck Your Gut Health

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“If You’re Ignoring These Two ‘R’'s’, You May Be Risking Your Gut Health”
The incidence of gastrointestinal complaints and allergy-linked gut permeability is on the rise in developed nations. Experts believe it’s largely due to the highly processed American diet, our modern lifestyles, and reduced physical activity. While the pharmaceutical industry churns out one fix after another, we may be standing on one that makes far more sense, used since the days of Hippocrates.
Newborn Baby
Why do many caesarean-section infants have less-than-optimal health after birth?

From the very first breath you take, you're exposed to probiotics.

How so?

On the way through the birth canal during a normal delivery, a newborn receives bacteria from their mother. This event starts bacterial colonization in the infant's gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

Compelling new research now shows many caesarean-section infants have less-than-optimal health after birth. This is most likely because they are not exposed to the mother's bacteria in the birth canal, which would then serve to populate its own GI tract.

As you mature, you're faced with many threats to the beneficial bacteria in your gut... from chlorinated drinking water... to overly-processed foods.

This is where probiotics can have a profound effect... not just on your GI health, but also on your overall health as well.*

Keep in mind, 80 percent of your immune system actually lives in your gut. And only 10 percent of your cells are of human origin. The other 90 percent are microbial, so you can see why it is so important to take care of your beneficial bacteria.

Probiotic formulas are available with many different types of bacterial strains... with the most common being Lactobacillus acidophilus. But as you'll find out shortly, not all probiotics are created equal... and not all probiotic formulas are properly produced to provide optimal benefits.*

If formulated properly, some major benefits of a high-quality probiotic include...

    Aiding you in digesting food, particularly hard-to-digest foods and foods that some individuals may be more sensitive to.*
    Enhancing the synthesis of B vitamins and improving calcium absorption.*
    Nourishing your microbiome by helping your intestinal microflora flourish.*
    Promoting vaginal health for women.*
    Supporting your immune system.*

The effects of a healthy microbiome reach far more widely than you can imagine. Your gut flora affect much more than your digestive health – it affects the health of your entire body. The effects of an unhealthy microbiome can even affect your mood…
How Your Microbiome Affects Your Gut-Brain Connection

Your gut contains a network of neurons or brain cells called your enteric nervous system (ENS). Your ENS controls both digestion and mental well-being. Changes in your gut bacteria can have a noticeable affect on your mood and sleeping patterns.

In one study, women who regularly consumed yogurt containing beneficial bacteria had improved brain function in two specific areas, compared to those that did not consume any probiotics. The two areas affected were the:

    Insular cortex, which is linked to perception motor control, self-awareness, cognitive functioning and interpersonal experience
    Somatosensory cortex, which aids the body in interpreting a wide variety of sensations.

You can see how important it is to keep your gut bacteria healthy, both for physical and emotional wellbeing. But you may be wondering…
"If I Eat Yogurt, Do I Still Have to Take Probiotics?"
Eating Yogurt
Most commercial yogurts are not a good source of probiotics. Heat pasteurization significantly reduces most of the good bacteria benefits.

It’s common knowledge that yogurt is a great whole food source of beneficial probiotics. However, what many don’t know is that most commercially available yogurts contain little to no live probiotics. This is due to pasteurization, a high heat process that kills off bacteria, including the good ones.

Unless you make it at home with a high quality culture starter, you can’t be sure that you’re getting any significant probiotic benefit. from commercially available yogurt. Plus, with commercially prepared yogurt, you’re likely to end up with far too much unwanted sugar.

With your own homemade yogurt, you can control exactly what goes into it, including probiotics and sugars.

So, as great-tasting as many of them may be, don't be fooled by yogurt products advertising live cultures that are beneficial to your digestive system...

Many have likely had the beneficial bacteria reduced or wiped out by the heat-intensive pasteurization processes.

This is very similar to why we now have less bacteria overall in our everyday environments. Antibacterial products, hand sanitizers, and the like have made for a world that may be a whole lot cleaner, but not exactly healthier.

With less helpful bacteria available in our food and our environment, I'm even more convinced of how crucial it is to take a high-quality probiotic supplement.

Before I tell you how to find one that’s worthy of your attention, let me introduce you to a relatively new concept: Spore biotics or spore probiotics for total gut health.
Spore Biotics: The New Frontier of Microbiome Health

For optimal gut health, you need two different types of good bacteria:

    Reconditioning probiotic spores, or Soil-Based Organisms (SBOs), to condition your gut and support the growth of good bacteria
    Reseeding probiotics, or regular probiotics

spore biotics
Spore Restore acts like a good gardener for your gut health

Think of it like a garden… The spores act as the gardener. Like any good gardener, they pull “weeds”, detoxify your gut and replenish its energy and nutrient content. Spore probiotics provide a healthy foundation and growth medium for your gut.

Then you need seeds. Reseeding probiotics provide the new seeds to replace the good “plants” in your garden that wither due to a lack of proper nutrients, or assaults like harsh chemicals and herbicide residues like glyphosate.

Spore biotics, or spore probiotics, are bacterial spores that work in your gut much like the gardener. Spores provide key “reconditioning” strains of bacteria that help protect and recondition your gut flora, and prepare it for the introduction of probiotics.

They help your microbiome recover from on-going assaults by fluoridated and chlorinated water, stress, medications, processed foods and refined sugars, EMFs, and pollution.

Our ancestors’ diets included these bacteria spores, but today people avoid touching dirt and thoroughly scrub their vegetables to remove all traces of soil along with their naturally occurring organisms.

My Complete Spore Restore includes four outstanding soil-based spores or spore biotics and a prebiotic organic blend of three highly valued mushroom mycelium to potentially help improve the condition of your microbiome and gut integrity and much more.*

Because your gut needs both kinds of probiotics, I believe many people will benefit from taking both Complete Spore Restore and a high quality probiotic, especially if you have a compromised gut or have taken an antibiotic or had a hospital stay within the last two years.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself… Let’s get back to probiotics – the seeds – and how to find one that’s worth taking.
Where Can You Find a Probiotic Formula Worth Your Time and Expense?”

Here are some key factors that differentiate good probiotic formulas from ineffective ones:

    Contain effective bacterial strains – must be strain specific.*
    Are viable and dose specific.
    Remain stable and viable for a long time.
    Have the ability to survive the stomach and reach the intestine.
    Thrive in the intestine.*

Unfortunately, many manufacturers make claims that their probiotic product supports digestive health when it most likely doesn’t, which is why it’s very important to know what criteria to look for.
Microscopic View
There's one strain I insist upon - Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1

Above all, I recommend looking for one particular strain in any formula you’re considering…

Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1 is the name of a highly studied strain of beneficial bacteria...and the "DDS®-1" is really important.*

There are other strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus out there, but without the DDS®-1 specificity, your potential health benefits could come up short.*

This specific probiotic strain has been found to possess vital properties important to human health.* Research at a major Midwestern university showed how DDS®-1 enhanced human health because it colonized well in the human gut.*

    Adapts well to the human body.
    Is acid- and bile-resistant for intestinal survival.
    Helps promote your digestive health.*
    Aids in supporting your immune system.*
    Contributes to the colonization of your intestinal flora.*
    Produces significant quantities of lactase to potentially aid in lactose intolerance challenge.*

I’m convinced Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1 is one of the most important and necessary strains in an effective probiotic supplement.*
The DDS®-1 Probiotic Superstrain – A Study in Benefits*

Over the years, several studies have demonstrated the diverse effectiveness of DDS®-1 and help validate its potential use as a probiotic.* Here are a few examples...

    From major Midwestern University and prestigious health center - Results showed that after 60 days of treatment, most showed significant improvement in abdominal health, bloating and occasional elimination irregularities.* This study suggests that DDS®-1 may help increase the healthy microflora in the gastrointestinal tract.*
    In another study, DDS®-1 helped to support the health of human epithelial cell lines when evaluated as part of a probiotic blend.*
    From the Cultured Dairy Product Journal –DDS®-1 was shown to produce a compound called ‘acidophilin” which demonstrates activity against a variety of pathogenic bacteria.*
    In laboratory research, isolated evaluation of DDS®-1 supported the normal production of immune components.* DDS®-1 performed this better than three other strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium bifidum.*
    Other laboratory studies show the potential beneficial effects of DDS®-1 on cholesterol.l*
    A clinical study was done showing daily ingestion of DDS®-1 in combination with three Bifidobacterium strains provided significant improvement in gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation in the majority of participants.*

With regular use, DDS®-1 offers an extensive list of potential benefits:

    Colonizes the intestinal tract in high numbers*
    Provides long-lasting colonization*
    Helps support your digestive health*
    Survives the harsh acidic environment of the stomach
    Survives the high alkalinity and presence of bile acids of the small intestine
    Produces a substance that helps balance gut bacteria*
    Helps protect against disease-causing bacteria by forming a shield within the intestinal lining*
    Supports cellular health by stimulating the production of immune messengers*
    Supports cholesterol levels already within a healthy, normal range*
    Produces lactase to potentially help those unable to tolerate lactose*
    Produces vitamins B12, folic acid and vitamin B6*
    Supports colon health through its control over bile acids*
    Supports gut health and helps promote normal stools*

Introducing Complete Probiotics: My Original High Potency, Multi-Strain Probiotic Supplement
Complete Probiotics

I’ve already told you about all of the properties I deem essential in a high-quality probiotic, and now I’m excited to introduce you to Complete Probiotics, which meets my extremely high standards for excellence.

Your intestines are home to over 1,000 different species of bacteria, and each strain performs it’s own unique functions in the body so it’s important your probiotic contains a variety of strains, not just one or two.

Here are the 10 specific beneficial bacteria strains in Complete Probiotics:

    Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1

    Supports digestive and immune health, is acid- and bile-resistant and provides long lasting colonization.*
    Lactobacillus casei

    Supports a healthy immune response as well as aids in stress management by promoting healthy serotonin levels.*
    Lactobacillus plantarum

    Helps ease digestive distress and supports a healthy inflammatory response.*
    Lactobacillus salivarius

    Supports an already healthy inflammatory response in your gut and your immune health.* Supports healthy cholesterol levels already in the normal range.*
    Lactobacillus rhamnosus

    Can reduce symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, as well as support your healthy weight management and cholesterol levels already in the normal range.*
    Lactobacillus brevis

    Supports already healthy inflammatory and immune responses.*
    Bifidobacterium lactis

    Promotes an already healthy inflammatory response including allergy response and supports the growth of other beneficial bacteria.*
    Bifidobacterium longum

    Promotes a healthy stress response and may reduce gastrointestinal symptoms.*
    Bifidobacterium bifidum

    Supports healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range and may help ease gastrointestinal symptoms.*
    Streptococcus thermophilus

    Promotes healthy, hydrated skin, supports immune health and Also stimulates the growth of other probiotic strains.*

Prebiotics are non-digestible foods that help beneficial bacteria (probiotics) grow and flourish.* Complete Probiotics contains beneficial prebiotics in the form of Fructooligosaccharide (FOS).*

FOS is a favorite food for lactobacilli and Bifobacterium strains, as they can efficiently ferment and utilize it for energy.* These prebiotics remain in your digestive system to help boost the growth of beneficial bacteria.*

I believe adding prebiotics to a high-quality probiotic benefits the entire formula.*

Here's more on how Complete Probiotics shines...
Bile- and Acid-Resistance – The Proof Is in the Test Results

Another area my Complete Probiotics proves its weight in gold is in its acid and bile tolerance.

The chart below shows you how well the strains that make up the Complete Probiotics formula resist and survive stomach acid and intestinal bile.

Very few manufacturers I looked at could actually provide testing info on the survivability of the specific strains in their formulas. If they could not demonstrate results, I passed them up.

Keep in mind, without these strains adequately resisting stomach acid and intestinal bile, your health benefits from the probiotic will likely be severely lacking.

Through testing, some Complete Probiotics strains demonstrated gastrointestinal acid and bile tolerances over 90 percent.

Here are the test results...
Lactobacillus acidophilus
(>90% survival in HCL and pepsin (1%) at pH3 for 1 h at 37C )
(>90% survival in 0.3% in bile salt containing medium)
Lactobacillus plantarum
(>90% survival in HCL and pepsin (1%) at pH3 for 1 h at 37C )
(>90% survival in 0.3% in bile salt containing medium)
Lactobacillus casei
(>90% survival in HCL and pepsin (1%) at pH3 for 1 h at 37C )
(>90% survival in 0.3% in bile salt containing medium)
Bifidobacterium lactis
(>90% survival in HCL and pepsin (1%) at pH3 for 1 h at 37C )
(>90% survival in 0.3% in bile salt containing medium)
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
(>70% survival in HCL and pepsin (1%) at pH3 for 1 h at 37C )
(>80% survival in 0.3% in bile salt containing medium)
Lactobacillus salivarius
(>70% survival in HCL and pepsin (1%) at pH3 for 1 h at 37C )
(>80% survival in 0.3% in bile salt containing medium)
Bifidobacterium longum
(>70% survival in HCL and pepsin (1%) at pH3 for 1 h at 37C
(>80% survival in 0.3% in bile salt containing medium)
Streptococcus thermophilus
(>60% survival in HCL and pepsin (1%) at pH3 for 1 h at 37C )
(>90% survival in 0.3% in bile salt containing medium)
Lactobacillus brevis
Very Good

Note that Complete Probiotics contains 80 percent probiotic strains that are greater than 90 percent acid- and bile-resistant!
Now With Even More Enhanced Benefits... Complete Probiotics in a Revolutionary Delayed Response Capsule for an Added Layer of Stomach Acid-Resistance Protection

You may have noticed that many probiotics come packed in standard vegetarian capsules.

These capsules can’t always protect probiotic strains from harsh stomach acids and bile. If the strains aren’t acid- and bile-resistant, you may end up paying a lot of money for benefits you never receive.

With my enhanced 70 CFU Complete Probiotics, we’re doing things differently.

It’s no secret that probiotics do their best work in your intestines and not in your stomach. Yet to make it through your stomach’s harsh acidic environment unscathed, the probiotic strains need protection.

Not only did we specifically select probiotic strains that are naturally resistant to stomach acid and bile, we took things one step further. Our manufacturer used patented delayed release capsules called DRcaps™ to provide additional protection from stomach acid. The first of their kind, these acid-resistant hard capsules are made of a vegetable substance that slows down capsule opening after swallowing.

They even tested them on human subjects using an Independent lab…

The capsule manufacturers measured how long it took the hard capsules to reach the intestines and release their contents so they could be confident that the probiotics wouldn’t be harmed.

Here’s what they discovered:

    DRcaps capsules displayed delayed release properties as designed.
    Disintegration started 45 minutes after ingestion versus 5 minutes for a typical immediate release capsule.
    For the majority of subjects, complete release occurred in the intestine.
    Release was complete within 20 minutes after onset.

Bottom line, the DRcaps capsules’ delayed opening was sufficient to protect a probiotic’s fragile bacteria strains from the harsh acidic environment of the stomach.
The Unique Needs of Women... and Why They Need Certain Probiotic Strains More Than Men
women probiotic needs
Women of all ages have unique probiotic needs

When it comes to probiotics, researchers are discovering that women have special needs that extend beyond a healthy gut.

Some women may be surprised to learn that their vaginas have their own microbiome – or diverse collection of bacteria – much like their guts have their own microbiome.

However, not surprisingly, many women will readily admit how challenging it can be at times to maintain comfort and well-being in this part of their body.

A woman’s vagina, much like her gut, thrives on a healthy balance of bacteria and can experience issues when the wrong bacteria grows out of control.

And that can happen easier than you think...

Personal care products, sex, giving birth and simply wiping incorrectly after using the toilet can either introduce or facilitate the growth of unhealthy bacteria or alter the pH in the vagina’s warm, moist and low-oxygen environment.

Luckily for women, there is a hero that not only helps promote a healthy gut, but also supports the health of the vaginal microbiome – Lactobacillus bacteria!
A True Champion for Women’s Health: Lactobacillus Probiotics

More than 20 species of lactobacilli probiotic bacteria have been identified in a healthy vagina. These beneficial bacteria contribute a number of health promoting and protective factors, including the:

    Production of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, bacteriocins, and biosurfactants to help protect against invaders*
    Disruption of unwanted biofilm formation to help protect vaginal epithelial cells against pathogens*
    Regulation of vaginal epithelial cell innate immunity to help protect a woman’s reproductive health*

A proper pH in a women’s vagina is essential for maintaining a healthy vaginal microbiome. The lactic acid produced by Lactobacillus as a fermentation product helps maintain a low, acidic pH to create an unfavorable condition for the growth of unwanted bacteria, yeast and viruses.*

Likewise, the hydrogen peroxide released by Lactobacillus can be toxic to and inhibit the actions of bacteria, fungi and viruses.* Bacteriocins and biosurfactants also act in much the same way to help protect the vaginal microbiome against pathogens.*

Certain Lactobacillus species may also help provide protection against invaders by reinforcing the vagina’s natural defense – its mucus.*
A Woman’s Best Friend: Complete Probiotics for Women – A Proven Blend of 10 Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria Species That Work in Both Microbiomes
women's best friend
Finally, a way to help balance both microbiomes

Knowing how important Lactobacilli probiotics are for a women’s health, I decided to develop a formula that would address this common concern.

That’s why my Complete Probiotics for Women contains seven of the most dominant Lactobacilli probiotic species found in a woman’s healthy vagina.

In addition to Lactobacilli, my formula contains three common species of Bifidobacteria. Researchers believe that Bifidobacteria may have similar protective or health-promoting effects in a woman’s vagina as Lactobacilli.*

And here’s the best part...

There’s no need to deal with messy suppositories. Several studies with healthy women show that oral ingestion of these special probiotic strains can lead to:

    An increase in vaginal lactobacilli after 60 days compared to a group taking a placebo.*
    A reduction in yeast and unwanted bacterial strains.*
    A colonization of the wanted strains in both the vagina and rectum.*
    A desired decrease in vaginal pH.*
    An overall improvement in the health of the vaginal microbiome.*

Researchers have discovered that Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli indirectly support w omen’s health through the support of digestive health – an exciting win-win for women of all ages!*

Complete Probiotics for Women contains seven of the same strains as Complete Probiotics, including my favorite top strain, Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1. I’ve added three additional Lactobacillus strains that show science-backed value for women’s health: Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus reuteri, and Lactobacillus gasseri.*
Don’t Forget to Take Along Your Probiotics When You Travel

Whenever I travel, I take along Complete Probiotics to help keep my GI tract in optimal shape.

When you visit other countries, there's always a chance your digestive system can be sensitive to different foods and spices that you may not be used to. This can cause not only occasional digestive discomfort, but may unnecessary stress.

Who wants to be in another country either on business or vacation and have to deal with occasional digestive discomfort? Plus, when you travel, you’re exposed to all kinds of bacteria that your body isn’t used to, which can weaken your immune system.

That’s why I recommend taking along a probiotic to help boost both GI and immune health while traveling.*

With Complete Probiotics, you have what I consider to be the best probiotic formula available, and it's perfect for traveling because it...

    Has a shelf life of 18 months at room temperature - Unlike some other probiotic formulas with shorter shelf lives at room temperature, Complete Probiotics is stable longer.*
    Can help you during times of digestive stress* - To help give your digestive system the extra support it may need while traveling and trying new foods, you can take additional servings (recommended 4 to 6 probiotic capsules).*
    Supports overall immune health- Eighty percent of your immune system lives in your gut, so it’s important to provide it with the care it needs.*
    Becomes part of your travel pack - Conveniently fits into your purse or briefcase and it doesn’t require refrigeration.

With the Complete Probiotics formula and all of its advantages, I usually never travel without it.* I recommend you consider doing the same.
Why I Believe Complete Probiotics Is the Ideal Formula for You
</td> <td data-th="Complete Probiotics?"><i class="fi-check green size-16">&nbsp;</i>Yes - Testing has demonstrated high survivability of beneficial bacteria.</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="td-highlight" data-th="Selection Criteria">Utilizes nitrogen packaging and is freeze-dried?</td> <td data-th="Complete Probiotics?"><i class="fi-check green size-16">&nbsp
Contains specific super-strain Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1?
    Yes - The manufacturer holds patent and U.S. trademark on DDS-1.
Shows high potency through independent lab test?
    Yes - Guaranteed to provide a minimum of 70 billion CFU to ensure potency throughout shelf life.
Works together with prebiotics for improved probiotic performance?
    Yes -The manufacturer successfully added intestinal-beneficial prebiotics to complement the probiotics.*
Is stable at room temperature for at least 18 months?
    Yes - Provides flexibility with storage and travel needs at room temperature.
Is non-dairy, free from soy, corn, wheat, and gluten?
    Yes - One of the industry innovators and first to accomplish this.
Adapts naturally to the human body due to its human origins?
    Yes - Soil and animal-origin microorganisms are not natural inhabitants of the human body.
resistant to survive the stomach and intestinal transit?
    Yes - Testing has demonstrated high survivability of beneficial bacteria.
Utilizes nitrogen packaging and is freeze-dried?
    Yes - Takes advantage of these innovative processes to help ensure stability.
Comes available in vegetable-based probiotic capsules?
    Yes - Provides this delivery.
Is Generally Recognize as Safe (GRAS)?
    Yes - all the probiotic strains are GRAS
Take My #1 Probiotic Supplement Recommendation: Complete Probiotics

I know you can now see the incredible value in this probiotic formula. And there is yet another benefit...

Complete Probiotics comes in glass bottles, offering greater sustainability against any kind of extreme weather conditions. And as you know, glass is also better for the environment.

My team and I worked hard to provide you this extraordinary product at a reasonable price, and I believe we did just that.

If you're serious about supporting your digestive health as well as your overall health, order Complete Probiotics today.*
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Top 3 Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Q: I’ve seen other SBOs (Soil-Based Organisms) formulas that contain more strains and higher CFUs. How do these products compare to Complete Spore Restore?
    2. Q: How do I take Complete Spore Restore?
    3. Q: Do I have to take Complete Spore Restore with Complete Probiotics?


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