Tuesday 16 June 2020

A Ghanaian Inventor To Power The World With 100 Percent Emission-Free Cheap Clean Power That Never Goes Off?

Many mocked us, when some of us predicted that Ghana's oil and gas industries would soon be valueless, as investments - and  that staking our future on it was shortsighted and not so prudent. Yoooo...

Then they called us ignorant fools, when we  asked that Raphael Afordoanyi's serendipitous game-changing clean power invention, be supported, to turn his clean power company into a Ghana-domiciled emission-free green clean-power global behemoth, powering all the world's nations with cheap 100 percent clean power, that never goes off, and, is even cheaper than nuclear power (sans the never-ending danger of radioactive nuclear waste that will remain dangerous for thousands of years!). Yoooo...

Furtheremore,  as an answer to us  ignorant fools, the super-clever-mockers, are now  saying that Ghana, a nation in which high-level corruption has led to a plethora of  shoddily-built  and badly maintained infrastructure, is going to  be powered by nuclear power, and that come hell or high water, a nuclear power plant will be built in Ghana, within a ten-year time-frame.  Yooooo...

Finally, now that we, the ignorant fools,  have secured an offtaker agreement to power a sister African state 100 percent, with Raphael Afordoanyi's serendipitous game-changing clean power invention, we are being asked why we did not focus on Ghana first. 

Well, truth be told, we  are not  nearly as foolish as the super-clever-mockers think we are, ooooo. We shall be domiciled elsewhere, where we are being welcomed with open arms, and eventually end up  powering  the entire  world with 100 percent emission-free green clean-power - and finally save humanity from reaching the climate change tipping-point-of-no-return: and become heroes and citizens of the world, not just mocked and despised Ghanaian citizens. Cool

Sent from Samsung tablet.

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