Wednesday 24 June 2020

Another Quick Note To Richard Evans - Australia's Mirreco's Brilliant And Dynamic CEO

Hello Richard,

July beckons. Thank goodness international travel will soon  be possible again - and you can make it to London as planned. In the interim, one hopes that all is well with Mirreco - and those who work for it. Not an easy time for productive ventures, the COVID-19 era  - but one still strives to be productive, nonetheless.

Please find below the copied and pasted email, which I sent to one of the founders of the  Dutch Tiny House Movement, Marjolein Jonker. It speaks for itself.

Incidentally, there is huge potential for Mirreco in Guinea Bissau - which now has a reformist-minded leadership that wants to transform their society into an African equivalent of the egalitarian societies of Scandinavia. They are keen to replicate your business model there to create wealth and jobs for their younger generations.

Look forward to hearing from you soon, after you read the copied and pasted email to Marjolein Jonker. Please read on:

Hello Marjolein,

Alas this Ghanaian writer neither  understands nor speaks the Dutch language. Is there an English version of your famed  blog?

We are looking into the feasibility of creating a model tiny house town, using industrial hemp blocks - with land from my family's Eastern Region-based land portfolio. We are hoping to eventually approach the Australian company, Mirreco, to help us do so. I have copied their CEO to alert him.

We are also in touch with the Amilcar Cabral Foundation  (named after the nationalist leader and founding father of Guinea-Bissau, Amilcar Cabral),  in Guinea Bissau, about a similar project there,  with Mirreco - which is why  I have copied the foundation's director, Mr. Abdul Valido Sano, too.

Finally, it would be marvellous if we could stay in touch, and also collaborate with your organisation, going forward into the future.


Kind regards, 


WhatsApp: +233576564600.

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