Tuesday 9 June 2020

A Quick Note To The Eco-Conscious Citizens Group's Akyaaba Addai-Sebo

Opanin Akyaaba Addai-Sebo,

Yes, when compassion for others is absent from humans, and hatred  takes over their hearts and minds, Hitler's evil deeds against the Jewish people,  as well as the egregious brutalities and abominations ofJim Crow era lynching, and the burning of Blacks alive, as spectacle, are some of the horrors  that can be wrought by minds consumed by hatred. 

Akyaaba Addai-Sebo, that indeed is why we must always remember that we are all members of the one human race, and children of the Lord God Almighty. And, in Africa, it is the selfsame hatred-of-others, which makes some Africans think that their tribes are superior. Pity.
Yet, the fact of the matter, is that no tribe in today's Africa, is inferior, or superior, to another, in this resurgent and increasingly prosperous continent of ours. We are Africans first and foremost. We are also all God Almighty's children -  members of one big  family, which is enriched  by a shared-heritage of diverse-ethnicity that binds us: through bloodlines and  ties of  consanquinity.

Finally, to paraphrase a sage whose name one forgets,  when it comes to humanity,  there are no others,  there is only us humand. Let us thus be guided by that in our our homeland Ghana. Peace and blessings to you Opanin - and may we all endeavour to stay safe in these troubling coronavirus times that we now inhabit.


Kind regards,

Uncle Kofi.
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