Sunday 14 June 2020

Younger Generation Ghanaians Must Reject Cynicism

Senior Kwaku Bio, many thanks indeed for sharing the Facebook post by Mokate Ashu ( Very interesting.

As someone from a generation, whose ruling élites have let our nation and its people down, so tragically, with such dreadful consequences, I urge the brightest and best of our younger generations, not to allow the cynicism underpinning the moral, which the recounted anecdotal stories are clearly meant to put across, to infect them. One assumes that  that is also the objective of Mr, Mokate Ashu in sharing that post on his wall? One certainly hopes so.

In any case, Ghana's younger generations must  reject the monstrous notion that one must look on unconcerned, when a society is being ruined, because that society is full of selfishness and self-seeking  -  that mould the character of the average person: who collectively thus invariably end up being ingrates. That is how the miasma of  brutish-cruelty,  and egregious selfless, envelope societies - eroding their moral fabric in the process.

The question we must all ponder over is: Does real and lasting change in most societies, not occur, because a few courageous individuals with consciences, who are always guided by their moral compasses, decide that the common good is worth sacrificing their all, for, and thus get  off the fence, and opt to fight for a better world: even at the peril of their lives, as countless Nelson Mandela-types have done around the world and brought about real and lasting change? Young Ghanaians must reject cynicism. Always. Cool.

Sent from Samsung tablet.

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