Wednesday 12 April 2023

Luddite-mentality drives tech sector xenophobic-political-football brinkmanship

Humankind deserve the best technology - which is why the legal domicile of the best class-leading tech start-ups behind them shouldn't matter.

The world's global-power nations' intelligence agencies by definition infiltrate all tech companies. The intelligence agencies of the  US, EU, UK, China, India and Brazil, all target tech companies.  That's a fact that cannot be denied.

So let's end the hypocrisy about China being such a huge security risk techwise - and let consumers worldwide benefit from cutting-edge technology wherever that comes from: be it the US or China.

Extremist politicians worldwide, must be discouraged from turning cutting-edge technology into xenophobic-political-football, to win votes. That's digital-age Luddite-mentality, wai.  Haaba.

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