Monday 17 April 2023

The nonsensical-wokery over the golliwog rumpus in the UK

Why are some Blacks so easily offended by the antics of racists? I don't get it, koraaa, oooo. Why burn energy over people who wish you ill, I ask? Daft and unproductive. Full stop.

Golliwogs? Massa, they offend me not, oooo. Cool. Mere dolls? Haaba. Got self-belief by the bucketful, ankasaa, lol. Ditto happen to be thick-skinned, paaaa.

When I used to run what was a very successful farm shop in West London (The Apple Man - London's first farm shop, 114 Goldhawk Road, London W12), during the Thatcherite-era, at a certain stage, I put up a sign saying: If you are infected by prejudice, leave it outside when you come in - and pick it up again on your way out.

It worked a treat. Won't allow dreadful people with narrow minds to get my goat, oooo. Ever. Sods. Cool.

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